Message from @Ϻ14ᛟ

Discord ID: 663434395755085854

2020-01-05 17:26:52 UTC  


2020-01-05 17:27:09 UTC  

Your argument for QS breaking a travel ban is because "do you think I care?"

2020-01-05 17:27:12 UTC  

What in the world

2020-01-05 17:27:24 UTC  

You tell me it as if its supposed to matter

2020-01-05 17:27:26 UTC  

it doesn't

2020-01-05 17:27:40 UTC  

It does matter

2020-01-05 17:27:42 UTC  

The man was taken out as a target of opportunity. It was for a variety of past provocations, least of all a travel ban

2020-01-05 17:27:48 UTC  

You saying it doesn't matter doesn't make it not matter

2020-01-05 17:27:52 UTC  

That's just stupid and childish

2020-01-05 17:28:30 UTC  

@Lidomite If the UN voted that Trump can't leave the US would you think it to be ridiculous and not care if he violated it or would you say that he deserves to be bombed for disobeying the UN?

2020-01-05 17:28:35 UTC  

Its all arbitrary.

2020-01-05 17:28:56 UTC  

Utterly stupid reasoning. Give me actual examples.

2020-01-05 17:29:10 UTC  

of what

2020-01-05 17:29:25 UTC  

Whatever the hell you're trying to argue.

2020-01-05 17:29:33 UTC  

Don't give me made-up hypotheticals.

2020-01-05 17:29:50 UTC  

Why, does it not fit your narrative to play them out?

2020-01-05 17:30:43 UTC  

Because it's not even within the realm of possibility that a POTUS will face a travel ban by the UN.

2020-01-05 17:30:45 UTC  

Holy shit, you'

2020-01-05 17:30:51 UTC  

I believe you're likely a hypocrite and would not respect a UN ruling just like I don't if it was against something you supported

2020-01-05 17:31:11 UTC  

You're creating fiction that just cannot ever happen in reality and presenting that as an argument.

2020-01-05 17:31:25 UTC  

Are you not capable of playing out a situation in your mind?

2020-01-05 17:31:29 UTC  

What is that called again

2020-01-05 17:31:40 UTC  

there is a mental disability where people lack imagination as part of it

2020-01-05 17:32:06 UTC  

I'm not going to give credence to a hypothetical that so stupid, so childish, so idiotic, and unrealistic.

2020-01-05 17:32:42 UTC  

Kind of ridiculous considering its not about whether it would happen or not but about the underlying hypocrisy and double standards.

2020-01-05 17:32:45 UTC  

It's like trying to argue physics and saying "imagine if gravity didn't exist, and this scenario happens."

2020-01-05 17:32:53 UTC  

Fuck off. What nonsense.

2020-01-05 17:33:09 UTC  

"I can't tell you what I would think in this situation"

2020-01-05 17:33:12 UTC  

are you a brainlet

2020-01-05 17:33:23 UTC  

The situation can never happen.

2020-01-05 17:33:23 UTC  


2020-01-05 17:33:30 UTC  

It doesn't matter lmao

2020-01-05 17:33:46 UTC  

It does, fuck face. You're equivocating the status of a high-profile terrorist with the POTUS.

2020-01-05 17:34:03 UTC  

If you asked me "What would you think if Iran became a White ethnostate" I would be able to answer the question despite it not being something that would ever happen.

2020-01-05 17:34:11 UTC  

"high profile terrorist" hahahahaha

2020-01-05 17:34:17 UTC  

I wouldn't ask such a stupid question.

2020-01-05 17:34:26 UTC  

That has nothing to do with what I said

2020-01-05 17:35:42 UTC  

Nah. You're presenting another scenario that won't happen in order to make an argument. I really don't care for fiction.

2020-01-05 17:37:00 UTC  

Something doesn't have to happen for you to give an answer to it, that is the point of hypotheticals and metaphors.

2020-01-05 17:37:27 UTC  

you argue