Message from @Death in June

Discord ID: 665719544177885224

2020-01-12 00:46:16 UTC  

It all depends on how you count it, If you lean to Communism you can count that Capitalism has killed more, Just look at all the people who died from illness despite cures being made due to wealth inequality under Capitalism

2020-01-12 00:46:39 UTC  

Plus all wars that were fought over economic interests

2020-01-12 00:46:53 UTC  

I would agree with you that adherence to communism is indicative of a basic inability to do math.....

2020-01-12 00:46:55 UTC  

Capitalism vs Communism debates are like “what would happen if Germany won ww2” or “AK vs AR” debates

2020-01-12 00:46:57 UTC  

yeah of course, but by this metric i'm counting anyone who died in a famine under a capitalist regime as part of capitalism's death toll for example

2020-01-12 00:47:02 UTC  

since that is the standard applied to communism

2020-01-12 00:47:11 UTC  

Either a classic or a dead horse depending on the person

2020-01-12 00:47:20 UTC  

and by that standard capitalism would beat communism and national socialism put together in the 21st century alone

2020-01-12 00:47:38 UTC  

Except the deaths under Capitalism happen over a much longer time span in many more places, because Capitalism is an actual working system

2020-01-12 00:47:59 UTC  

AK vs AR is a debate? I mean the sprawl on 7.62x39 alone......

2020-01-12 00:48:02 UTC  

And this is exactly why i try to ignore death counts when looking at a philosophy

2020-01-12 00:48:05 UTC  

communism has lasted for about a century

2020-01-12 00:48:43 UTC  

i dunno if "death counts" should be ignored entirely but the vast majority of examples where they're brought up are done so in a manner that is retarded in one way or the other

2020-01-12 00:49:05 UTC  

I would also agree that adhering to communism requires a willing ignorance to death and human suffering. See we have a lot of common ground here.....

2020-01-12 00:49:46 UTC  

The point, though, is that Communism kills people much more quickly and has much less benefit than Capitalism

2020-01-12 00:50:15 UTC  

Modern Communism has made a lot of adjustments so it's arguable if they can be considered the same philosophy as the one that killed people

2020-01-12 00:50:39 UTC  

i've seen little evidence to suggest it "kills people much more quickly" whatever that means

2020-01-12 00:51:10 UTC  

Just look at this debate for instance and you can see that the sane modern communists do not resemble the old ones

2020-01-12 00:51:37 UTC  

Sure it could be argued that a new version of homeopath *could* cure cancer.

2020-01-12 00:51:47 UTC  

south korea and indonesia seemed pretty capable of "killing people quickly"

2020-01-12 00:51:52 UTC  

@The Electric Lizard so are you saying "that wasn't real Communism?"

2020-01-12 00:52:10 UTC  

Well according to Marx is wasn't really

2020-01-12 00:52:20 UTC  


2020-01-12 00:52:32 UTC  

Marx believed in stage theory and technically speaking they never reached the stage of 'pure communism'

2020-01-12 00:52:43 UTC  

"Real Communism hasn't been tried before!"

2020-01-12 00:52:51 UTC  

Trust me, guise

2020-01-12 00:52:56 UTC  

Although the Soviet Union didn't even adhere to his philosophy though

2020-01-12 00:53:16 UTC  

and really i think that given any honest assessment abraham lincoln was probably responsible for a larger proportion of american deaths than stalin was soviet deaths

2020-01-12 00:53:20 UTC  

Marx would have never believed that Communism would be possible in the 1900's

2020-01-12 00:53:28 UTC  

Horseshit. According to Marx it's a process and socialism is a stage on the way to communism. Thus every historical notrealcommunism(tm) is in fact an attempted communism.

2020-01-12 00:53:46 UTC  

in a much shorter period of time at that

2020-01-12 00:54:07 UTC  

Countries are supposed to naturally develop from Feudalism to Capitalism to Socialism to Communism

2020-01-12 00:54:10 UTC  

I swear I heard this one story about some bumfuck nowhere village collective in rural china that was basically the world's one and only example of successful communist practice, which basically cements its status as a medieval idea

2020-01-12 00:54:14 UTC  

The USSR skipped Capitalism

2020-01-12 00:54:15 UTC  

The only way "true" communism can ever exist in reality is with a hive mind. That's why all attempts up to this point have attempted to enforce that with the power of the state

2020-01-12 00:54:29 UTC  

This is why we need MERCHANTILISM

2020-01-12 00:54:37 UTC  

That's completely absurd

2020-01-12 00:54:39 UTC  

We need Minarchism

2020-01-12 00:54:42 UTC  

WEll sure the Civil war killed more Americans than any other. But we were fighting the most deadly enemy we had ever faced...... Americans.....

2020-01-12 00:54:53 UTC  

We need authoritarian anarchy