Message from @MoistBread

Discord ID: 671903563043176489

2020-01-29 02:11:46 UTC  

Total fertility Rate.

2020-01-29 02:12:24 UTC  

For parity Indonesia is about 2.1.

2020-01-29 02:13:44 UTC  

Normally TFR is inversely proportional to affluence. Mormons are an extreme outlier here.

2020-01-29 02:15:02 UTC  

thats because they actually bang

2020-01-29 02:15:15 UTC  

and lead relatively healthy lifestyles as mandated by their faith

2020-01-29 02:15:29 UTC  

part of the whole christian thing is go forth and multiply

2020-01-29 02:15:35 UTC  

and multiply the mormons do

2020-01-29 02:16:21 UTC  

TEB is that Atticus finch as your pfp?

2020-01-29 02:18:43 UTC  

Yeah they also have about a 10 year longer lifespan. Mormons are weird. I like it because it takes a massive shit down the throat of Mollymeme's ideas about r/K from *gene wars* but yeah I use Atticus. He denied the lived experience of Mayella Ewel.

2020-01-29 02:19:59 UTC  

He should have *listened and believed*

2020-01-29 02:20:37 UTC  

Are we aloud to post Vids here ?

2020-01-29 02:21:28 UTC  

aloud? no. You must do so quietly...

2020-01-29 02:21:43 UTC  

Haha. My bad. Allowed *

2020-01-29 02:22:13 UTC  

Mormons only get shit because they are A.) christians, and B.) there are some old beliefs that have been outdated for years aside from weirdo cults.

2020-01-29 02:22:34 UTC  

I'll take Mormons over Islam anyday

2020-01-29 02:22:53 UTC  

But I'm culturally Christian.

2020-01-29 02:23:12 UTC  

I see the bible as a book that teaches good things.

2020-01-29 02:23:22 UTC  

Morals and the like

2020-01-29 02:24:12 UTC  

Imagine if they became the dominant religion and began to colonise space like I'm thinking of a Imperium of Man but Mormon.

2020-01-29 02:24:45 UTC  

At least they won't kill you if you wanted to leave. Or kill you if you suck dick.

2020-01-29 02:24:52 UTC  

So I'm for It

2020-01-29 02:25:21 UTC  

I find them demographically interesting. High TFR abnormal lifespan somewhat below average IQ median income but very low poverty. When considering the possible effect of culture on demography they stand as an outlier. The magic underwear is pretty strange tho.

2020-01-29 02:25:25 UTC  

Or kill you if you're a woman wanting human rights. Or human rights in general. Or freedom of religion

2020-01-29 02:26:33 UTC  

IQ is very unreliable after a certain age

2020-01-29 02:26:39 UTC  

because as you learn more it will change

2020-01-29 02:27:45 UTC  

Mormons are probably the friendliest, most tolerant, and most family oriented people I have ever met.

2020-01-29 02:29:15 UTC  

which is probably why the left hates them so much

2020-01-29 02:29:51 UTC  

and they are very secure in the beliefs and dont fit the stereotype of the pushy christian assholes waving god hates gays signs by the side of the road which makes athiests dislike them

2020-01-29 02:39:03 UTC  

gotta wonder about a friend of mine's extended family then

2020-01-29 02:39:56 UTC  

he goes to an aunt's wedding, she's marrying a mormon dude, he doesn't open his mouth at all and everyone there is throwing out shit like "heathen" at him

2020-01-29 02:40:03 UTC  

they don't know who the fuck he is

2020-01-29 02:40:19 UTC  

They're just being a dick then

2020-01-29 02:41:16 UTC  

he also mentioned a gaggle of teenage girls in the corner giggling and gossiping, talking about how wonderfully it will be to be "bred"

2020-01-29 02:41:28 UTC  

... okay that's disturbing

2020-01-29 02:41:36 UTC  

***homer fades into bushes***

2020-01-29 02:41:43 UTC  

he described it as language more appropriate for livestock

2020-01-29 02:41:57 UTC  

and seeing as he lives on a small farm, I trust him

2020-01-29 02:42:36 UTC  

tho given that he's prone to breaking or destroying his own property, I don't trust him very far

2020-01-29 02:43:12 UTC  

*narrows eyes* Not sure if... y'know I don't even want to know more.

2020-01-29 02:43:44 UTC  

gonna chalk that up to things that probably didnt happen

2020-01-29 02:44:42 UTC  

that sounds like some white Appalachia evangelical nonsense