Message from @ARockRaider

Discord ID: 672664253693558798

2020-01-31 04:36:14 UTC  

and they just straight didn't fucking say what you claim they did

2020-01-31 04:36:22 UTC  

the exact point I haven't nailed down because A: you didn't give me the time and B: I don't think you would care what i said anyway.

2020-01-31 04:37:02 UTC  

and that's another cuss, you are up to what? 5?

2020-01-31 04:37:15 UTC  

on the contrary, if you provided a quote somewhere I'd have more reason to take you seriously and not as a contrarion whiner

2020-01-31 04:37:26 UTC  

you didn't give me the time

2020-01-31 04:37:44 UTC  

mute fucking discord or something then, christ, I wasn't even @ing you

2020-01-31 04:37:46 UTC  

I stright up told you it was over 50 min of content i had to go over to find what i was looking for.

2020-01-31 04:38:09 UTC  

.... who the fuck is ing

2020-01-31 04:38:13 UTC  


2020-01-31 04:38:20 UTC  

ARockRaiderToday at 10:35 PM
I haven't even gotten through the first half of the first vid, can you give me a bit?

JokerfaicToday at 10:36 PM
whatever :/"

2020-01-31 04:38:30 UTC  

yes, I talk a lot

2020-01-31 04:38:41 UTC  

I didn't have class today, I'm lack of better shit to do

2020-01-31 04:38:55 UTC  

that "whatever" seemed like a "I don't care what you have to say" to me.

2020-01-31 04:39:46 UTC  

I was confident in my analysis of the content over yours, but would have welcomed either a "here, see, this is what I was referring to" or a "huh, alright, fair enough, I heard it wrong"

2020-01-31 04:41:14 UTC  

and you didn't even give me the time to re-check the over 50min of content to nail down what had upset me in the first place.
so I don't think that i had heard anything wrong at this point, i think you are just mad because i don't like the content creator that you like and you are ranting and cussing at me because of it.

2020-01-31 04:42:05 UTC  

no, i don't think they said outright "free market bad"
I think it was much more subtle then that and i might have just over reacted over a year ago.

2020-01-31 04:42:25 UTC  

oh give me a fucking break, I wasn't in your room holding a gun to your head. I had no way of stopping you from tabbing out and finding your evidence. quit being a fucking baby

2020-01-31 04:42:55 UTC  

and more cussing, why must you do that? and then call me a baby? how does that help you at all?

2020-01-31 04:43:44 UTC  

And pointing that out seems like a really convenient way for you to avoid addressing the content of the message

2020-01-31 04:47:19 UTC  

We're speaking over the god damn internet. Its not in my power to give you or take away your time. pinning your lack of motivation to substanciate your arguments on me is juvenile.

2020-01-31 04:47:35 UTC  

oh hay, turns out that i found some of the stuff that i was talking about before the 7min mark in the first vid.

now, if i were to take what i'm seeing now i would say that their outright distain for landowners may have been a part of it.
I know at one point in time where I was very defencive against such additudes because i feel they are not takeing into account the idea that (in the US at least) there isn't normally a systematic land takeover that would cause the probles they bring up in the vid.

2020-01-31 04:49:07 UTC  

and the fact british officials had dispossessed Irish catholic landowners and set up a system of absentee land bureaucratic spiderwebbing had *nothing* to do with how the British landlords were portrayed

2020-01-31 04:49:30 UTC  

sure, its just shitting on ownership of land

2020-01-31 04:49:51 UTC  

might have, you are still gonna give me time to more time to listen to all of it in it's whole

2020-01-31 04:50:34 UTC  

its not within my power to "give you time", jesus christ

2020-01-31 04:50:58 UTC  

yes it is, just shut your trap about this topic for about an hour so i can go over the topic in question.

2020-01-31 04:51:12 UTC  

You realise I can't exactly reach into the screen and throttle you until you get shit done, right?

2020-01-31 04:51:30 UTC  

you are under you own control

2020-01-31 04:52:01 UTC  

so our southern border got blown down by wind today
wall? more like fall

2020-01-31 04:52:16 UTC  

no shit, did it really??

2020-01-31 04:52:38 UTC  

pretty much sums up this administration

2020-01-31 04:52:43 UTC  


2020-01-31 04:52:45 UTC  


2020-01-31 04:52:59 UTC  


2020-01-31 04:53:25 UTC  

you don't got it or you think it's funny that we bolth asked at the same time?

2020-01-31 04:54:09 UTC  

Ahhh, non-set concrete, ok, makes sense

2020-01-31 04:54:40 UTC  

ok then, I don't see how this reflects on the administration in the slightest.

2020-01-31 04:54:49 UTC  

of all the criticisms I had for a wall, I didn't think I'd have to throw in inclement weather <:thinking_clown:590855640268668928>

2020-01-31 04:55:06 UTC  

glad I don't afterall

2020-01-31 04:55:07 UTC