Message from @ARockRaider

Discord ID: 672658407714717736

2020-01-31 04:14:48 UTC  

Don't mean to jump in on this, but @Jokerfaic is being kind of a whiny bitch in this conversation

2020-01-31 04:16:48 UTC  

It really wouldn't have gotten to me if his complaint wasn't built on fucking air

2020-01-31 04:17:45 UTC  

I mean it's a personall reason, so it doesn't need to be build on anything other then what i say it needs to be.

2020-01-31 04:18:28 UTC  

likely its built on several things includeing how i was feeling at the time about the topics touched on.

2020-01-31 04:18:33 UTC  

your original claim was that they just threw free market capitalism under the bus and blamed it for the Irish famine, that's just not true

2020-01-31 04:19:07 UTC  

Dude, @ARockRaider totally said he'd go back over the material and see if he still felt the same way about it

2020-01-31 04:19:15 UTC  

That's pretty generous

2020-01-31 04:19:20 UTC  

"ARockRaiderToday at 10:28 PM
was their irish famen one that made me stop trusting them.
they wanted to say that somehow it was free markets that caused said famen."

2020-01-31 04:19:50 UTC  

that's what i said at first, and yes that does sound a bit to much like that was the only reason i stopped trusting them.

2020-01-31 04:20:21 UTC  

but i have cleared that up in that there are several reasons all kind of interlaced INCLUDEING how they handle their extra credits series.

2020-01-31 04:20:46 UTC  

tbh I'm not interested in what you do or don't trust, I'm just saying their histories are, so far, objective, and your refutation was based on a claim that just isn't true

2020-01-31 04:21:02 UTC  

and I dissagree.

2020-01-31 04:21:35 UTC  

and now we are right back to where we started only i have been more clear then I was at the first.

2020-01-31 04:21:49 UTC  

motherfucker I just listened to the section where they brought up free market economics in my car

2020-01-31 04:21:54 UTC  

oh, that and now i'm NOT willing to go back and try and find my reasoning.

2020-01-31 04:22:06 UTC  

why must you cuss at me?

2020-01-31 04:22:58 UTC  

because you're being a mealymouthed fucking contrarian bitch. You're literally founding your refutation on a fabrication

2020-01-31 04:23:33 UTC  

taking the dissenting side of the argument just because its fucking there

2020-01-31 04:23:38 UTC  

@Jokerfaic you're just being impatient

2020-01-31 04:24:00 UTC  

It's not like we're under some sort of deadline here

2020-01-31 04:24:21 UTC  

i'm founding my dislike of said group on several things and i have clearified that the pice i bought up was just a pice, likely the last pice that pushed me over the edge of not likeing them.

2020-01-31 04:24:50 UTC  

a last piece, again, which was false

2020-01-31 04:25:19 UTC  

there's no two ways about it, your claim was just innaccurate

2020-01-31 04:25:59 UTC  

if you had just waited back when i first said i was gonna go back and listen i would have had all of the stuff that had made me upset with them, so now you are just cussing at me for not likeing some random youtuber who you yourself admit have a bias in a large section of their work.

2020-01-31 04:26:27 UTC  

and now i'm not even really interested in going back to remember it anyway.

2020-01-31 04:26:45 UTC  

except I can articulate my concerns and not couch them in melodramatic language like "I don't *trust* them anymore"

2020-01-31 04:27:41 UTC  

that's not melodramatic at all, I don't trust them to give me the info like it is.
and for whatever reason that is that's still how i feel.

2020-01-31 04:27:53 UTC  

based on an example which is false

2020-01-31 04:28:28 UTC  

@ARockRaider actually has a legal basis for the argument he's making: "falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus"

2020-01-31 04:30:04 UTC  

dude, these are the same people who put out a vid that said "you didn't chose to be a nazi when you went into PvP in a WW2 game"
and then went on to say "we should find some way to make the not nazis be better to play!" or something to that point

2020-01-31 04:31:03 UTC  

in a series based on a subject matter far more open to interpretation. this has no bearing on the objectivity of their history series

2020-01-31 04:32:25 UTC  

>I don't trust this playlist because x
>wait, x isn't an accurate representation of what that playlist said
>I don't care, x is why I don't trust it

2020-01-31 04:32:42 UTC  

are you seeing yet why I'm losing patience with you

2020-01-31 04:33:04 UTC  

I don't trust them for several reasons and you keep going back to square one because i didn't put down just the right words for you.

2020-01-31 04:33:23 UTC  

so, i'm also loseing patience with you and you may note that i have not cussed at you once.

2020-01-31 04:33:43 UTC  

I keep going back to it because my point was their historical reviews are objective, and your refutation was built on false information

2020-01-31 04:34:01 UTC  

and you just keep avoiding addressing that

2020-01-31 04:34:03 UTC  

on top of that your defence of them saying that history isn't open to interpretation?
have you ever heard the saying "history is written by the winners"?

2020-01-31 04:34:56 UTC  

there is so much of history that we don't have the full story on, or only have half of one side of the story.

2020-01-31 04:35:23 UTC  

obfuscation and non-sequitors. Your claim was false, get over it.