Message from @Death in June

Discord ID: 673450822105038858

2020-02-02 07:52:32 UTC  

I mean it's is a great place to put it

2020-02-02 07:52:54 UTC  

Since it's right over the State lines

2020-02-02 07:53:22 UTC  

The southern New Englanders can cross the border for their booze

2020-02-02 07:54:18 UTC  

I also love that in NH they don't care what lane the trucks are in.

2020-02-02 07:54:35 UTC  

also the only state I know of that is like that as well.

2020-02-02 07:56:31 UTC  

I would totally move down to NH if it wasn't so close to mass and being over taken by people moveing up form there.

2020-02-02 07:57:42 UTC  

From what I heard that NH was Restructuring the Voting Laws so that Massholes can't Vote in their Elections anymore

2020-02-02 07:57:51 UTC  


2020-02-02 07:58:12 UTC  

I like the idea of saying "you have to live here for a few years before you can vote"

2020-02-02 07:58:37 UTC  

hopefully the massholes just forget to setup to vote by the time they can.

2020-02-02 07:58:46 UTC  

Like I remember hearing that people from Massachusetts had like residences up there that during election day they cross the border to meddle in their Elections

2020-02-02 07:59:13 UTC  

oh you ment like that....
still woo, just a little less woo.

2020-02-02 07:59:52 UTC  

and i'm sure the people form mass do that.
the are like the NYC of new englend.

2020-02-02 08:04:26 UTC  

So looking it up basically somewhere along the lines Republicans won the Executive branch of New Hampshire

2020-02-02 08:07:57 UTC  

Though in the 2018 election was where the Republicans lost the Majority in the State Senate and the Congress but it kind of werid in 2016 that Republicans won but they still had Democrat as Senators of the Federal Senate

2020-02-02 08:08:18 UTC  

And their Electoral votes going to Hillary

2020-02-02 08:08:53 UTC  

Like that is where you go something is up when the state in it's core turned red but still got blue

2020-02-02 08:21:14 UTC  

@ETBrooD My tax prof would probably say they are necessary

2020-02-02 08:21:21 UTC  

But screw him

2020-02-02 08:21:28 UTC  


2020-02-02 08:53:08 UTC  

what would you propose in lieu of consumption taxes

2020-02-02 08:53:44 UTC  

"leave it to the towns, let them figure out what's best for them"

2020-02-02 08:54:03 UTC  

but a sales tax works well enough and is simple enough.

2020-02-02 08:54:47 UTC  

property taxes also work well, especially on a town level as that's where most of the "services" that a government provides needs to be delt with anyway.

2020-02-02 08:55:54 UTC  

if you wanted to get really interesting you could have a voluntary tax system on a town level easy enough, you want a fire department? send money for it.
more police? well pony up and drop some cash.

2020-02-02 08:57:30 UTC  

I like the idea of income taxes the least, for several reasons, one is it's so much more complex then you would think, and why people can say "this rich guy pays no income tax!" because he is paying taxes on some other form of income that is covered under another tax.

2020-02-02 08:59:53 UTC  

were i to pick a tax system with out the option of just voluntary funding your local government, hmmm....
I think i would go with a small sales tax on the state level, less then %10 as they are really only serviceing the highways and state police.

the on a town level i would stick with a property tax based on the land you are on and not the value of what you put there.

2020-02-02 09:00:07 UTC  

consumption tax is pretty effective in that one of the main purposes of taxation is to reduce consumption

2020-02-02 09:00:16 UTC  

very direct

2020-02-02 09:00:22 UTC  

but it is regressive

2020-02-02 09:00:35 UTC  

what do you mean by "regressive"?

2020-02-02 09:00:42 UTC  

as opposed to progressive

2020-02-02 09:00:45 UTC  

impacts poorer people more

2020-02-02 09:01:15 UTC  

all taxes will impact the poor more, or at least the people just entering that tax bracket.

2020-02-02 09:02:05 UTC  

and all it does against the "rich" is force them to spend resources trying to protect themselfs form those taxes, resources better spend on other things if you want people to do well.

2020-02-02 09:05:47 UTC  

i mean i don't think that's true

2020-02-02 09:06:48 UTC  

why not?

2020-02-02 09:09:02 UTC  

if you tax a supper store all they are gonna do is rase their prices to keep their profits, and these aren't large profits in the long run, one of the ways Wal-Mart saves money is by haveing the boxes shipped to them be just enough to hold what they need to hold, a few cents here and there and when you save a half cent on the dollar over a million dollars that is alot of money.

2020-02-02 09:09:57 UTC  

yes wal-mart is what you would think of as "supper rich" but that is because they have so much money passing through them the few cents they hold on to for each dollar becomes a huge number.

2020-02-02 09:12:06 UTC  

besides that, in my view, when you tax the rich you are taxing the most productive.
to me if you make profit that means you made a surplus of value between buying the stuff you used and selling your product.
farther more, if you have a surplus of money you are giveing more finished value then you are useing.

2020-02-02 09:13:35 UTC  

even if we accept the rich will tax evade and so on in general you can make richer people pay more taxes than poorer people