Message from @Wizard_of_The_West

Discord ID: 674696870647562280

2020-02-05 19:19:45 UTC  

It's at a Chinese military laboratory...

2020-02-05 19:20:07 UTC  

Why would the Chinese end up testing it on their own people?

2020-02-05 19:20:14 UTC  

Why wouldn't they test it on enemies?

2020-02-05 19:20:37 UTC  

Not if they want to correct the imbalance between men and women in their country through yeeting their men

2020-02-05 19:20:39 UTC  


2020-02-05 19:20:45 UTC  

Someone else did this to them

2020-02-05 19:21:00 UTC  

Maybe through exploiting Chinese intelligence networks and double crossing them

2020-02-05 19:21:02 UTC  

The legacy media is claiming it was a copy of the Speech

2020-02-05 19:21:35 UTC  

I believe the leaked numbers tencent gave, not CNN

2020-02-05 19:21:46 UTC  

where 24 thousand people are dead

2020-02-05 19:21:58 UTC  

Because they're demanding mandatory cremations for every afflicted body

2020-02-05 19:22:31 UTC  

Well, we can't exactly say that it's meant to even out the genders, since China's kept a really tight lid on info about the victims AFAIK

2020-02-05 19:22:42 UTC  

CNN = Communist News Network

2020-02-05 19:23:15 UTC  

Based on what I've seen Chinese men seem to be the most susceptible due to the viral envelope targeting receptors unique to their lungs

2020-02-05 19:23:28 UTC  

Chinese men of what ages?

2020-02-05 19:23:28 UTC  

Or at least they have them in higher concentrations

2020-02-05 19:23:34 UTC  

1 of the papers released that and then retracted because they need more testing

2020-02-05 19:23:37 UTC  

Did they have any preexisting connections or something?

2020-02-05 19:24:29 UTC  

The White House Social Media Director says she tore up the signed copy. idk who to believe.

2020-02-05 19:24:53 UTC  

Does it matter? Dems can go pound dirt

2020-02-05 19:25:27 UTC  

Well it's a crime

2020-02-05 19:25:48 UTC  


2020-02-05 19:25:52 UTC  

>> No association was detected between the ACE2-expressing cell number and the age or smoking status of donors.

2020-02-05 19:26:00 UTC  

At least in the sample group they have tested

2020-02-05 19:26:01 UTC  

W/all of the other crimes they've already committed, we're worried about them ripping up a piece of paper?

2020-02-05 19:26:04 UTC  
2020-02-05 19:26:05 UTC  

I think we've got bigger fish to fry

2020-02-05 19:26:22 UTC  

If it's a xerox no one cares but he endorsed it and pretty sure it's supposed to be placed in the Archives.

2020-02-05 19:26:31 UTC  

It can remove her from office

2020-02-05 19:26:40 UTC  

Like she GAF

2020-02-05 19:26:51 UTC  

No but it would be funny

2020-02-05 19:26:51 UTC  

Dems currently control the house

2020-02-05 19:26:55 UTC  

She won't be moved

2020-02-05 19:27:09 UTC  

and 10 of the 13 victims shown already had preexisting conditions apparently

2020-02-05 19:27:11 UTC  

I'll see if the AG talks about it

2020-02-05 19:27:32 UTC  

Sorry, I don't trust official Chinese reporting

2020-02-05 19:28:08 UTC  

Do you really think they'd be pissing themselves this hard if it only killed 500 people?

2020-02-05 19:28:44 UTC  

People are being barricaded in their homes