Message from @TheGhostAgent

Discord ID: 676218977009008641

2020-02-09 23:35:50 UTC  

Those who aid or are appologists to Communists are just as bad.

2020-02-09 23:36:25 UTC  

well "in power" in this context seems to include actors and such. in which case fair enough, they've been going crazy

2020-02-09 23:37:34 UTC  

I'm not attempting to deny the left has been acting with hostility, I just object to the idea the baseball shooting was some party assassination scheme

2020-02-09 23:37:50 UTC  

scalise is corrupt slime, someone was going to take that shot eventually

2020-02-09 23:37:57 UTC  

For example, occasio cortez had promoted antifa and tried to pressure judges to get their members released, while simulteanously calling her enemies fascist, people she knows they will go after. A guy who shot up an ICE facility and tried to make it explode by shooting a propane tank nearby, was directly inspired by her words, and she is still pro anti-fa, to this day. She may not call for outright violence, but creates the conspiracy theory that ICE is making concentration camps on the border and then supports the groups who try to kill ICE after the fact

2020-02-09 23:38:00 UTC  

Tbh Hollywood needs a "Day of the rope"

2020-02-09 23:38:16 UTC  

So those nonces get what they deserve.

2020-02-09 23:38:53 UTC  

There were a bunch of journalists that called steve scalise a white supremacist, fascist etc., and then someone who read those articles then went out of their way to shoot him up. It's not a coincidence they put a target on someone's back and then a violent group of people known for attacking these people, attack them. It's like throwing red meat at someone to get the dogs to attack

2020-02-09 23:39:32 UTC  

There's been real violence from the conspiracy theories these people have pushed, and now they are still in support of these violent groups

2020-02-09 23:39:52 UTC  

I am highly skpetical it's a coincidence, they are egging it on, of course, some cases directly, some cases indirectly

2020-02-09 23:41:40 UTC  

my enemies are fascist, hey you completely unrelated ant-fascist group, maybe you should go attack them. I AM NOT SUPPORTING VIOLENCE THOUGH. It's not even a dog whistle at this point, they literally support these groups, provide them with funding and so on

2020-02-09 23:43:19 UTC  

Maxine waters also encouraged the la riots of 1992. "Democrat Maxine Waters, the African-American Congressional representative of South Central Los Angeles, said that the events in L.A. constituted a "rebellion" or "insurrection", caused by the underlying reality of poverty and despair existing in the inner city. This state of affairs, she asserted, were brought about by a government that had all but abandoned the poor and failed to help compensate for the loss of local jobs, and by the institutional discrimination encountered by racial minorities, especially at the hands of the police and financial institutions."

2020-02-09 23:43:40 UTC  

I mean it's a history of supporting violent groups, masking the language of them being revolutionaries or whatever. It's hard not to see

2020-02-10 00:11:53 UTC  

Prepare for the boog xD

2020-02-10 00:12:47 UTC  


2020-02-10 00:13:16 UTC  


2020-02-10 00:13:50 UTC  

That SoB was anti-police since the day he got into office. Crime shot up so rapidly where we lived we had to move the fuck out to another state

2020-02-10 00:14:20 UTC  

And then they removed all bail, so now criminals can get out instantly lol

2020-02-10 00:14:24 UTC  


2020-02-10 00:14:26 UTC  

Pretty much

2020-02-10 00:14:28 UTC  

And then there's this

2020-02-10 00:14:56 UTC  

NYPD can't even arrest these fuckers because DeBlasio handcuffed the NYPD from doing so

2020-02-10 00:15:04 UTC  

Exactly, and I remember this stuff

2020-02-10 00:15:15 UTC  

This is NOT the city I was born and raised in

2020-02-10 00:15:21 UTC  

I saw it a few days after it came out, the disgusting part was they couldn't even do anything about it

2020-02-10 00:15:27 UTC  


2020-02-10 00:16:04 UTC  

The only Republican mayor in 2 decades the city had, Giuiliani fixed it up

2020-02-10 00:16:08 UTC  

it's been awful for them, and they blame the police for all the problems rather than the bad policies for the higher crime rate in the first place

2020-02-10 00:16:13 UTC  

And all it took was a few Dems to fuck it up

2020-02-10 00:16:22 UTC  


2020-02-10 00:16:26 UTC  

I know, common sense ideas from the right happened to work, and quickly too, so that meant they had to undo it

2020-02-10 00:16:41 UTC  

The crime rate fell without having to remove the blacks Divinity xD

2020-02-10 00:16:43 UTC  

They undid all of Guiliani's policies