Message from @Jokerfaic

Discord ID: 676208662619881482

2020-02-09 23:18:11 UTC  

Let me quote a ***Demcocrat*** Maxine Waters
"“If you see anybody from that Cabinet [or any Trump supporters] in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

“We’re gonna win this battle,” Waters said. “God is on our side.”"

2020-02-09 23:18:41 UTC  

How would the MSM report this if the tables were flipped and Obama was pres?

2020-02-09 23:18:50 UTC  

harrassment =/= lethal force, you blithering useful idiot

2020-02-09 23:19:10 UTC  

and honestly, scalise was a guy gonna be shot eventually

2020-02-09 23:19:25 UTC  

I was more worried for rand paul, tbh

2020-02-09 23:19:31 UTC  

lol, and I'm sure antifa differentiated the verbiage, until bike lock dude came into the pix

2020-02-09 23:19:43 UTC  

no, antifa is guilty as fuck

2020-02-09 23:19:53 UTC  

Who got sucker punched and mauled by his neighbor? Yea, that shit quickly got memory holed

2020-02-09 23:20:19 UTC  

just don't give me this 'democrat assasiation plot' garbage

2020-02-09 23:20:25 UTC  

you're pissing on my leg and calling it rain

2020-02-09 23:20:33 UTC  

Oh ok, the dems never called for violence.

2020-02-09 23:21:06 UTC  

Go stick your head back up your ass if you seriously think they haven't been drumming up violence since election night

2020-02-09 23:21:24 UTC  

what did I just say, retard

2020-02-09 23:21:31 UTC  

go piss on someone else's leg

2020-02-09 23:22:40 UTC  

hysterical nonsense like this is how trump&co gets blamed for charlotsville

2020-02-09 23:28:50 UTC  

piss on someone's leg wat

2020-02-09 23:29:14 UTC  

you never heard of the phrase "don't piss on my leg and call it rain"?

2020-02-09 23:29:44 UTC  

fair if you haven't, its antiquated.

2020-02-09 23:30:45 UTC  

Yeah that seems to be a pretty odd metaphor lol

2020-02-09 23:31:10 UTC  

basically it means "don't bullshit me"

2020-02-09 23:31:48 UTC  

but god, the partisan atmosphere in here gets obnoxious

2020-02-09 23:32:06 UTC  

" Pissing on someone is an idiom that means doing something bad to someone. Don't piss on my boots and tell me its raining is a response to someone dressing up a bad situation"

2020-02-09 23:32:24 UTC  

I don't know if it's exactly the right usage of the term but it's whatever

2020-02-09 23:32:34 UTC  

It's close enough I guess

2020-02-09 23:32:50 UTC  

huh, well I guess these things branch and evolve with time

2020-02-09 23:32:54 UTC  

I heard it my way

2020-02-09 23:33:22 UTC  

I will say though that I agree that many on the left have been outright calling for violence.

2020-02-09 23:34:04 UTC  

These are just some of the cases I remember, I specifially remember this huffingtonpost article, but tons of people have called for the death of Trump, anyone around him and his supporters, including mainstream left-wing media outlets and even politicians. They try to disguise it some of the times, but it's a fairly thin veneer

2020-02-09 23:34:24 UTC  

certainly characters on the left have. my point was its not a party dem doctrine

2020-02-09 23:34:56 UTC  

I mean if it's the mainstream, then it's hard not to say it's a part of the agenda, even if it's not all of them

2020-02-09 23:35:16 UTC  

And I'm genuinely glad they distinguish themselves from proper liberals

2020-02-09 23:35:17 UTC  

There's certainly a very large amount of left-wingers in power who have called for violence against Trump and anyone around him

2020-02-09 23:35:50 UTC  

Those who aid or are appologists to Communists are just as bad.

2020-02-09 23:36:25 UTC  

well "in power" in this context seems to include actors and such. in which case fair enough, they've been going crazy

2020-02-09 23:37:34 UTC  

I'm not attempting to deny the left has been acting with hostility, I just object to the idea the baseball shooting was some party assassination scheme

2020-02-09 23:37:50 UTC  

scalise is corrupt slime, someone was going to take that shot eventually

2020-02-09 23:37:57 UTC  

For example, occasio cortez had promoted antifa and tried to pressure judges to get their members released, while simulteanously calling her enemies fascist, people she knows they will go after. A guy who shot up an ICE facility and tried to make it explode by shooting a propane tank nearby, was directly inspired by her words, and she is still pro anti-fa, to this day. She may not call for outright violence, but creates the conspiracy theory that ICE is making concentration camps on the border and then supports the groups who try to kill ICE after the fact

2020-02-09 23:38:00 UTC  

Tbh Hollywood needs a "Day of the rope"

2020-02-09 23:38:16 UTC  

So those nonces get what they deserve.