Message from @TheGhostAgent

Discord ID: 676223355896201216

2020-02-10 00:22:03 UTC  

The Pilgrims weren’t immigrants for example as there was no established country or colony at the time

2020-02-10 00:22:10 UTC  

It's really sad how New York has gone, the left runs these cities in to the ground, then blames Republicans and claims we need change on a national level to make up for what they did on the local level. We need to ban guns over the entire country, because it didn't work here and crime went up! Flawless logic. They know they're right, they just go to find out why!

Square peg round hole. IF WE JAM IT HARD ENOUGH IT WILL FIT IN.

2020-02-10 00:22:40 UTC  

Shortly afterwards, those who came were ‘Settlers’ as they helped build the nation

2020-02-10 00:22:42 UTC  

It is the solution, we just got to keep trying it until it works

2020-02-10 00:23:10 UTC  

That's not a bad working definition of it, for the specific purposes people generally refer to immigrant as. As for an actual defintion eh, but as for what people generally mean it's good

2020-02-10 00:23:23 UTC  

🤔 'eh... the native americans would beg to differ, granted they were of separate tribes or "confederations"

2020-02-10 00:24:04 UTC  

They technically have their own land borders

2020-02-10 00:24:23 UTC  

They just don't have a flashy flag to display on a pole

2020-02-10 00:25:08 UTC  

As for jamming it into a hole, hey, what are you, a homo/transphobe?! There are male vaginas and female penises!

2020-02-10 00:26:24 UTC  

The point is I get pissed off when Pablo or Diego, who want to come to the US for PlayStation and Buffalo Wild Wings, get compared to my Ancestor who left Great Britain in 1638 and indentured himself to come to the States b/c if he stayed in GB he would have been killed (Irish and didn’t convert)

2020-02-10 00:26:52 UTC  

Funny enough, my Family worked on a Manor back in England

2020-02-10 00:27:32 UTC  

Well, you don't need to have the immigration act to be the crux of your argument

2020-02-10 00:28:12 UTC  

The colonists were fleeing a shitty condition to make a new world for themselves. When they arrived, there wasn't exactly "welfare" waiting for them and it wasn't all rosy either. The first set, many died and didn't survive either due to starvation, disease, or exposure

2020-02-10 00:28:33 UTC  

He didn’t come for Ye Olde Centre of Entertainment or Buffalo Chicken legs

2020-02-10 00:28:35 UTC  

Unlike now, someone can just claim "asylum" and get 3 warm means and a room w/comfy bed

2020-02-10 00:28:50 UTC  

VASTLY different circumstances

2020-02-10 00:29:20 UTC  

Luckily he got a nice Captain that didn’t keep him past his Term

2020-02-10 00:29:22 UTC  

Trying to equate someone looking for buffalo wild wings to someone escaping persecution is just lulz

2020-02-10 00:29:43 UTC  

... I'm not big on doxing =/

2020-02-10 00:30:02 UTC  

She can make herself famous in her own neighborhood

2020-02-10 00:30:11 UTC  

I'm sure the LEO/veterans would love dealing w/her

2020-02-10 00:30:42 UTC  

*insert muppet meme*
*see pile of shit getting "diversity" on the streets*
*rolls up window and drives away*

2020-02-10 00:31:30 UTC  

>tmw you hate White People so much that you vandalize a memorial to Soldiers that died in a war where millions of Europeans killed each other over Minorities

2020-02-10 00:31:45 UTC  


2020-02-10 00:32:06 UTC  

Don't even get me started on the whole reparations nonsense

2020-02-10 00:32:32 UTC  

Blame Johnson

2020-02-10 00:32:40 UTC  

Yea half the fing nation was slave owners... but did you go into a coma during history lesson where the other half died to free your ancestors? Assuming you even HAVE any ancestral blood tied to slavery. I'd say the debt is paid in full via blood.

2020-02-10 00:32:43 UTC  

He fucked it up

2020-02-10 00:33:26 UTC  

Now there are too many people

2020-02-10 00:35:47 UTC  

>be me
>someone knocks on Box
>It’s the Gibs Center
>Pay for your sins, Colonizer
>Give all I have ($2.40)
>As per law, I am required to tell you who this will benefit
>tfw you’re homeless and your reparations go to Oprah

2020-02-10 00:36:02 UTC  


2020-02-10 00:36:26 UTC  

And to JayZ, Beyonce, Snoop Dogg, etc

2020-02-10 00:36:32 UTC  

Because they could use some, clearly

2020-02-10 00:38:57 UTC  

The boogaloo is coming.

2020-02-10 00:39:58 UTC  


2020-02-10 00:40:18 UTC  

I really hope not... I was in denial for 2 yrs until it got to a pt to be undeniable as to how far they're willing to push it

2020-02-10 00:40:48 UTC  

These fuckers clearly don't understand wtf war is like or what it means to pull a trigger to kill someone in cold blood

2020-02-10 00:40:56 UTC  

That's something you can't get back

2020-02-10 00:41:01 UTC  

The left is really willing to push this way beyond any point that's logical, they're just so out of their minds right now

2020-02-10 00:41:03 UTC  

Well, if you have a soul