Message from @Omar_The_OMAP

Discord ID: 676503001313050670

2020-02-10 17:19:45 UTC  

The Biden campaign and the Buttigieg campaign have both made donations to the developer's parent company

2020-02-10 17:20:15 UTC  

man butt judge 2: corruption boogaloo

2020-02-10 17:20:40 UTC  

It would be hilarious if Buttigieg gets the nomination

2020-02-10 17:20:56 UTC  

small man vs small hands 2020

2020-02-10 17:21:01 UTC  

Headline: "Buttigieg Comes From Behind"

2020-02-10 17:29:05 UTC  

I hope they mean assassination attempts.

2020-02-10 17:29:19 UTC  

Because assignation means sex.

2020-02-10 17:30:21 UTC  

now we just need portland to take the hint

2020-02-10 17:31:09 UTC  

>Be New York
>Crime is Rampant
>Giuliani takes on Mob and institutes laws that fight crime
>Actually get results
20 years later
>Leftist elected Mayor
>Ooga Booga these laws bad because people of color are targeted (despite the fact that they commit more crime)
>Repeal “””Racist””” Laws
10 years later
>Be New York
>Crime is Rampant

2020-02-10 17:34:29 UTC  

wasnt new york the state that just implemented that law that reduced a lot of crimes to misdemenors and made it so cops cant arrest for those or somthing?

2020-02-10 17:46:48 UTC  


2020-02-10 17:46:57 UTC  

Trying to be like Cali 2.0

2020-02-10 17:46:57 UTC  

@Frost509 made a lot misdemeanors and minor felonies have no bail

2020-02-10 17:47:12 UTC  

May as well be 0 arrest because they'll just end back up on the street

2020-02-10 18:03:01 UTC  
2020-02-10 18:09:11 UTC  

i like how phoenix pretty much ignored the entire reason jokers director said the movie was made

2020-02-10 19:01:24 UTC  

Lmao, Bernie wants another Re-Canvass in Iowa <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2020-02-10 19:01:46 UTC  

Bernie is going to make Iowa howl

2020-02-10 19:33:37 UTC  

How leftists think the debates will go

2020-02-10 19:53:39 UTC  

Fucking hell these dudes are nuts

2020-02-10 19:54:00 UTC  

@Frost509 But they're not violent! Not all antifa! /s

2020-02-10 19:54:15 UTC  

#not all

2020-02-10 19:54:36 UTC  

They were merely misunderstood. They were trying to have the woman get a hug from the car, similar to getting hugs from trucks of peace!

2020-02-10 19:56:11 UTC  

Fucking Christ; WHERE IS THE FBI

2020-02-10 20:03:24 UTC  

nOT a tErRoist OrGaniSAZtion!!111

2020-02-10 20:04:43 UTC  

not defending them, i think they're unequivocally violent, but pretty sure pushing =/= terrorism

2020-02-10 20:05:32 UTC  

So Oscar's discussion is in the Politics room?

2020-02-10 20:08:06 UTC  


2020-02-10 20:08:36 UTC  

But still, you have to be pretty fucked to push people into the incoming traffic

2020-02-10 20:09:06 UTC  

antifa should be rounded up and the book thrown at them

2020-02-10 20:09:29 UTC  

1 push event out of many peaceful events, sure we can write that off as a outlier...
Bike lock attack
Mob attack on Andy Ngo
Rioting/destroying property of cars and shops in the city
Them planning/plotting w/knives and firearms to attack others - vid investigating antifa here -
The list goes on and on and on.
How many attacks must there come from one very specific organization can we finally acknowledge their ideology and methods are terrorism in nature?

2020-02-10 20:10:15 UTC  

Knowing Crowder that's probably fake

2020-02-10 20:10:18 UTC  

i live in portland, grew up near the area, most of them are just edgy teens trying to get attention. then theres the ones that take it too far and do some crazy illegal shit

2020-02-10 20:10:19 UTC  

Oh and milk shaking

2020-02-10 20:10:26 UTC  

Because Crowder is fake news, obv lol