Message from @Imaorange

Discord ID: 676974488906366986

2020-02-12 02:08:46 UTC  

that's at 31%

2020-02-12 02:09:03 UTC  

@Object of Hate do you really stiil need yang in there?

2020-02-12 02:09:27 UTC  

just wanted to give you Biden and copypasted Yang in to give us Gabbard

2020-02-12 02:10:51 UTC  

another thing to consider, are any of the candidates who have fallen out of the race up to being in a possible future Dem Cabinet? (Not that I see any of the current crop winning in November vs Trump)

2020-02-12 02:11:19 UTC  

I'd hate to see what a Kamala Harris would do the Justice Dep for ex

2020-02-12 02:11:53 UTC  

Its sad when Bernie Sanders is the best available candidate

2020-02-12 02:12:41 UTC  

Tulsi would have been much better but the left shanked themselves by running smear campaigns against her

2020-02-12 02:13:06 UTC  

Hillary's 2016 run crushed the chances of too many, and now they don't dare run I reckon. Not that I have any names to throw in

2020-02-12 02:13:14 UTC  

Not that the DNC would ever allow someone they didn't control to win

2020-02-12 02:13:22 UTC  

So what do you guys think would be the bigger shitshow, if the DNC steals the nomination from Bernie again, or he gets the nomination and gets obliterated in the general?

2020-02-12 02:13:47 UTC  

him getting the nomination

2020-02-12 02:13:56 UTC  

The party wouldn't survive a socialist as the nominee, especially an independent

2020-02-12 02:13:57 UTC  

Honestly Bernie is the closest thing to a real human being running for the democrats

2020-02-12 02:14:00 UTC  

Doesn't matter the result, we get a shit show worth drinking and eating popcorn for

2020-02-12 02:14:02 UTC  


2020-02-12 02:14:15 UTC  

Tulsi was much better

2020-02-12 02:14:26 UTC  

Amy is definitely the moderate candidate

2020-02-12 02:14:39 UTC  

Butti boy is a fag and bernout is a commie

2020-02-12 02:14:39 UTC  

Just look at the last UK election, the US is rolling right down the same path

2020-02-12 02:14:43 UTC  

She's the only moderate path

2020-02-12 02:14:55 UTC  

A fag will never win the white house

2020-02-12 02:15:03 UTC  

esp not as the establishment's stooge candidate

2020-02-12 02:15:12 UTC  

Either way none of them are strong enough candidates to beat Trump without the DNC committing more acts of treason to try to get rid of Trump

2020-02-12 02:15:36 UTC  

Which the DNC will

2020-02-12 02:15:42 UTC  

I'd be more SHOCKED if they didn't

2020-02-12 02:16:08 UTC  

give it another couple of weeks and it'll be "Kill Bernie Now" mode at the DNC

2020-02-12 02:16:12 UTC  

I'm just waiting for them to finally declare civil war publicly

2020-02-12 02:18:23 UTC  

shitlord in chief nuking from orbit

2020-02-12 02:18:26 UTC  

He didnt just call out Skippy's brother....

2020-02-12 02:19:12 UTC  

i saw this and i was like man. too real. too real

2020-02-12 02:27:27 UTC  

You'd think after 2016 the DNC would have learnt the lesson and wouldn't allow an independent to run in their primary (and that's a lesson about AOC too). Why the hell won't they wake up to this very basic rule of running a party, I do not understand

2020-02-12 02:28:08 UTC  

No Borders Party, including members vs non-members?

2020-02-12 02:29:44 UTC  

@Object of Hate "we're a private corporation we don't have to follow are rules"

2020-02-12 02:30:49 UTC  

The DNC literally admitted to rigging their own primaries

2020-02-12 02:31:08 UTC  

38% in:

2020-02-12 02:31:10 UTC  

Sanders 24,079 26.8
Buttigieg 21,157 23.5
Klobuchar 17,877 19.9
Warren 8,798 9.8
Biden 7,498 8.3

2020-02-12 02:31:19 UTC  

And also stated they didn't need to make them fair as they were a private corporation

2020-02-12 02:32:04 UTC  
