Message from @The Electric Lizard

Discord ID: 677044343420354573

2020-02-12 05:48:38 UTC  

House Bill 1110: "Media Literacy" creates an advisory committee
Senate Bill 007: “Prevent Sexual Misconduct At Higher Ed Campuses” requires higher education campuses to adopt policies on sexual misconduct based on minimum requirements set out in the bill. It provides for oversight and requires training on the policies.

House Bill 1039: "Identity Documents For Transgender Persons" makes it easier for transgender and nonbinary people to change the gender on their birth certificates (without court order, surgery or doctor recommendation).Senate Bill 077: "Electric Motor Vehicles Public Utility Services" requires public utilities to facilitate charging stations and to support the adoption of electric vehicles.House Bill 1324: "Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation" adds protections against lawsuits viewed by First Amendment advocates, media organizations and others at infringing upon free speech. Specifically, it allows defendants accused of libel or slander to ask a judge to dismiss a civil case on the grounds that they were simply exercising their constitutional right to free speech or to petition the government.Senate Bill 139 creates more offices to provide driver’s license applications to such migrants. It was signed during a Commerce City ceremony.Polis also signed into law House Bill 1124, clarifying that federal agents cannot use local jails to hold suspected undocumented residents longer than their local sentence requires.

2020-02-12 05:49:44 UTC  

> resulting to insults suggests you are defensive and find my opinion valid
@PurpleToad no I find your opinion fucking retarded, and I find you a condescending fucktard who needs to get mugged to put you in your place

2020-02-12 05:50:45 UTC  

nice, go to your governor with that attitude, you'll get all of those bills repealed

2020-02-12 05:51:11 UTC  

> if you think people are evil because they are doing what they think is necessary to save lives, you're the "dumb fuck"
@PurpleToad doing what you think to save lives and taking peoples property or deeming people guilty of a pre-crime are different if you wanna play the "to save lives card" how about a police officer assigned to all citizens... cant' go no where without some protection... maybe a soldier! Hey that'd be swell... guards on every corner !

2020-02-12 05:53:47 UTC  


2020-02-12 06:01:35 UTC  

hey at least we got dem guns from the bad man... I mean didn't actually commit a crime or nothing but them there inanimate objects, whew at least the only power is centralized! Thank the gods political powered guns killed a guy for having, not abusing, his gun rights.

2020-02-12 06:03:10 UTC  

"If it saves just one life" right? Proof that no red flag laws would have saved at LEAST one life. Need proof it saved more being passed

2020-02-12 06:04:00 UTC  

yeah, you got your proof there bud 🙂

2020-02-12 06:04:20 UTC  

more proof than you've supplied princess

2020-02-12 06:06:14 UTC  

you got me there

2020-02-12 06:06:17 UTC  


2020-02-12 06:22:48 UTC
someone I know is suffering greatly because of this, it'd be good if you could do a video on it Sargon.

2020-02-12 06:25:25 UTC  

Trump is a fucking savage

2020-02-12 06:52:27 UTC  

Andrew Yang has dropped out

2020-02-12 06:52:30 UTC  


2020-02-12 06:53:44 UTC  

sad, hopefully he runs as bernies vice

2020-02-12 07:21:58 UTC  

It has begun Ladies and Gentlemen.

2020-02-12 07:22:07 UTC  

The house divided.

2020-02-12 07:22:52 UTC  

Yang Voters to Dems.

2020-02-12 07:22:54 UTC  
2020-02-12 07:23:10 UTC  

Let's see the schism

2020-02-12 07:23:42 UTC  

will it be Trump or bust now ?

2020-02-12 07:23:58 UTC  

after all a significant bernsters voted trump after hillary fucked over bernie

2020-02-12 07:24:17 UTC  

or will they go stump for bern? 🤔

2020-02-12 07:27:08 UTC  

Bernie isn't going to win an election.

2020-02-12 07:27:28 UTC  

The Dems would just ignore the result if he actually wins.

2020-02-12 07:27:44 UTC  

And announce the correct leader.

2020-02-12 07:39:23 UTC  

If Bernie becomes the nominee, and if you're a progressive that cares about pushing your policies, you don't want Bernie to win the presidency.

2020-02-12 07:40:40 UTC  

He won't achieve things like M4A, but he'll be able to push through garbage anti-business policies, and it'll usher in a recession.

2020-02-12 07:47:06 UTC  

The Communist bringing about an economic downturn would be pretty disastrous for progressivism.

2020-02-12 08:22:10 UTC  

I doubt Trump will do this, but an easy way to cut out Bernie's legs from under him would be to say ... We don't need Medicare for All, we already have it. It's called Medicaid. It sucks. People hate it and we're working on something better, but this same plan was put in place by Bernie and now he's trying to double down cuz his own failed plan that he helped implement didn't work the first time. So do you trust him to give you more of the same?

2020-02-12 08:36:23 UTC  

apparently working on something better means cutting a trillion bucks.