Message from @Marushia Dark

Discord ID: 677539040781664269

2020-02-13 15:31:07 UTC  

I'm assuming this woman was black, yes? Not a white ally or something?

2020-02-13 15:32:10 UTC  

Yes she's black

2020-02-13 15:32:33 UTC  

The original intention was to reduce police brutality.
It got morphed into Black Supremacy and execution of all non-blacks

2020-02-13 15:33:22 UTC  

Not quite. You're not digging deep enough. WHY do they wanna reduce police brutality? Why would a group call themselves "black lives matter" and how does that relate to police brutality?

2020-02-13 15:33:39 UTC  

I honestly don't think they really care about any rights for or treatment of blacks. I think they just saw a movement for power and money which was being controlled by their own kind, and they decided to dig in.

2020-02-13 15:33:51 UTC  

tl;dr - she was mouthing off how the crackers needs to move aside for the blacks because of oppression. I said uh... that's rather inflammatory, how would you like i tif someone dropped the N word?
She said then they should be lynched so they can understand how it's like to be lynched...
And the convo continued to spiral downward from there

2020-02-13 15:34:29 UTC  

"So they can understand how it's like."

She just told you what she wants right there.

2020-02-13 15:34:45 UTC  

So what does she feel like she's not getting?

2020-02-13 15:34:50 UTC  

It was 2019... there's no mass lynchings going around

2020-02-13 15:35:09 UTC  

But they're getting shot by cops, right?

2020-02-13 15:35:39 UTC  

At the end, power. Because we eventually got to AA and how I disagreed w/the quota they're putting on Asians in being accepted into the city's top tier HS and instead, allowing a greater number of blacks just because they're black. After that, she called me a white supremacist. So I was done

2020-02-13 15:35:57 UTC  

Yes, just don't shoot at cops or commit crime. That tends to reduce your probability of being shot by a cop

2020-02-13 15:36:58 UTC  

Ok, let me try this a different way. You brought up the issue of racial discrimination against Asians in schools, right? How does that make you feel, relative to THIS particular situation?

2020-02-13 15:37:15 UTC  

Fundamentally, WHY is that a problem?

2020-02-13 15:37:25 UTC  

What does said discrimination say about YOU

2020-02-13 15:37:31 UTC  

Is this a rhetorical Q or serious one?

2020-02-13 15:37:35 UTC  


2020-02-13 15:37:56 UTC  

dark, assuming their intentions are honest and they actually feel there is need for a change to achieve some equality, that they feel wronged - That scenario puts nothing between us and them except the propaganda. Problem is, that's the propaganda they produce and disseminate, and you're written off with slurs if you question it.

2020-02-13 15:37:58 UTC  

Nothing about me. I'm against AA of any kind or discrimination that is irrelevant to the field in question when standards are set.

2020-02-13 15:38:15 UTC  

Yes, but why?

2020-02-13 15:38:28 UTC  

What does AA make you feel about your efforts?

2020-02-13 15:38:34 UTC  

If you score high on a standardized test, you deserve to get into the school of your choice. Having an arbitrary quota based on skin color is itself the definition of racism.

2020-02-13 15:39:02 UTC  

How or what I feel is absolutely irrelevant to the principle at hand, which is setting for a genuinely racist policy.

2020-02-13 15:39:14 UTC  

So in other words, you might say that discrimination based on race, makes it feel like your efforts, wait for it ... don't matter?

2020-02-13 15:39:19 UTC  

I'd be against AA whether it was for or against asians.

2020-02-13 15:40:02 UTC  

If you're trying to falsely equivocate being anti-AA on the same degree of BLM, I'm just gonna stop you there. They're not even remotely close

2020-02-13 15:40:17 UTC  

Ok, so you're not getting it, so let me spell it out ...

2020-02-13 15:40:41 UTC  

You're trying to appeal to emotion. That shit does not validate an argument

2020-02-13 15:41:16 UTC  

Emotion is the reason why they do what they do. Human nature is to make decisions based on emotion and then rationalize why you made the right choice after, even if you didn't.

2020-02-13 15:42:46 UTC  

Excusing their shitty power grabbing behavior by simply waving it off as making an emotional decision is not very helpfull

2020-02-13 15:44:36 UTC  

So here, let me spell it out for you.

What "Black Lives Matter" wants is ... to matter.
To feel like their lives matter. To feel like black lives matter.

Again, it's right there in the name. That tells you everything. At the moment, they feel like their lives don't matter, whereas other lives - of other races - do, or at least matter more than theirs, when everyone's should matter equally. All lives matter, right? But they feel like we don't really mean that as a society, and use unjust killings by cops as just one of many examples for why they believe that. Whether it's actually true or not, that's how they feel; and we can argue statistics and so forth, but at the end of the day, it changes how you deal with them whether you think they're after power or after a sense of belonging, yes?

2020-02-13 15:45:58 UTC  

IF you take that at face value, then sure. But a) we shouldn't just believe they have honest intentions and b) they're too openly hostile to just talk away their misconceptions.

2020-02-13 15:46:25 UTC  

So the woman who was arguing with you ... you made her feel like she didn't matter. And I get it's not your fault. You didn't know, but my guess is that's why she reacted the way she did ... because isn't that how YOU would react to someone if you felt like you didn't matter to them?

2020-02-13 15:46:27 UTC  

This Bernie Sanders thing must be really scary for the Democratic party.

They don't want him to represent them, but they can't afford to alienate his voters. It's a real damned if you do, damned if you dont situation. They can't shepard hook him off the stage like 2016, but there's no way he'll win

Theyre in a really shitty spot. There are no JFKs or Barack Obama's to drag them out of the fire.

2020-02-13 15:46:37 UTC  

What they believe is irrelevant considering it is the direct opposite of reality. Police are far more hesitant to shoot or engage a black person than a white. There are more shootings AT a white perpetrator than a black when measured against per capita or percentage basis, especially when compared against police engagements. Larry Elder has pointed this inconvenient stat out multiple times every time someone tries to sell the narrative that black ppl are getting shot more.

2020-02-13 15:47:15 UTC  

Then they quickly shift goal posts or move onto something else because they cannot refute the data

2020-02-13 15:47:50 UTC  

As for Bernie Sanders, this dumpster fire is of their own making. They made it, they can now sleep in it

2020-02-13 15:51:18 UTC  

And I completely agree with you on the stats, but the stats are irrelevant because, again, that doesn't address the feeling part, which is ultimately what motivates them to action.

So, the way it was put to me is this ... supposing you have a child and the child comes to you and says they feel like you don't love them. That they don't matter to you. Are you gonna sit there and argue with them about, "Look at all the data I have, all the stats that show how much I care. I bought you 37 presents last Christmas and you've had six birthday parties ..."

No! That's not the way you deal with a problem like that. Instead, you give them a hug and tell your child you love them and of *course* they matter to you. They're the most important thing in the world to you ...

Now, I'm not saying you need to go hug these people and tell them they matter, but to just engage with them seriously as if they did, and listen to their complaints as if they mattered, even if you disagree with the content of the complaint. In fact, I think you'll find they'll be more amendable to listening to the stats if you can actually first engage them as an equal and as someone who feels hurt and needs people to listen to them vent.

2020-02-13 15:52:46 UTC  

... so they're either narcissitic power grabbers or children. LOL. You're not really helping their cause here

2020-02-13 15:53:26 UTC  

1) They're not my responsibility or child
2) If they're willing to commit violence on me or ppl I care about, I will fucking end them.
3) If they cannot be mature and act like an adult, they can get YEETED out of the mature society then.