Message from @Cody

Discord ID: 678718921292906506

2020-02-16 17:42:33 UTC  

#INB4 hanging/suicide by a paper blanket

2020-02-16 17:43:24 UTC  

i am sure media outlets already have the headline of his soon to be suicide prepared

2020-02-16 17:48:09 UTC  

Prepared? They already have the headline printed out on newspapers and magazines lol

2020-02-16 17:57:22 UTC  

Corey Feldman is not going to have done any killing of himself

2020-02-16 17:58:09 UTC  


Been a while since I was in school but this is what it took to make a campus org back then. There will be a form from the student union to fill out. After that you'll need 5 or more registered students and one staff member to make the club (Pro Tip; the faculty usually get a small stipend for doing this so you don't need someone motivated). Then they want you to write a charter and elect officers. This is the most critical part because you, as the person motivated to do all this legwork, are going to get elected to the executive position. So it is wise to write it so that the executive doesn't have a lot of responsibility. In mine the 'Chairman' position basically made me responsible for pointing to who got to speak next at meetings.

2020-02-16 18:05:08 UTC  

@Jym for mine it requires 10 members, how did you get enough people invested in it to join?

2020-02-16 18:23:43 UTC  


I don't think they were all that invested. Students have a lot of free time. Really it was just me and three other guys and someone suggested we should do an event. Like a dumbass I volunteered to get the permit. Permit requires an org so I did the legwork on that. When I got back to them I basically said, "OK I did all this paperwork and shit you guys need to find a couple people to sign it."

2020-02-16 18:30:10 UTC  

gotcha, thank you

2020-02-16 18:35:20 UTC  

lol... if AOC does get defeated, there might be hope for NYC after all

2020-02-16 18:36:39 UTC  

I'm not gonna hold my breath tho. That shit stain of a city was all gungho chasing asians out w/their quota of acceptance into the select HS and went full identity politics. "Reformed bail" laws, basically criminals get let free, instituted sanctuary city status, among many other f'd up nonsense.

2020-02-16 18:40:14 UTC  

It'll be interesting

2020-02-16 19:10:24 UTC  

My YouTube has filled up with #WALKAWAY videos, pretty cool hearing all the democrats talking about getting red-pilled. Anyone know has Sargon covered this movement already?

2020-02-16 19:18:36 UTC  

It just occurred to me that we basically have the start (ish) of a globalist nazi movement going at the moment, so I looked up "globalist" in German. It's still "Globalist". Which makes a globalist socialist a Gazi. Which is also, with a different pronunciation, the term for a frontier islamic warrior. I feel like 4Chan could make grist out of this...

2020-02-16 19:20:47 UTC  

"Nazi" only makes sense in the German language, because "national" is pronounced "nah-zio-nul", which shortens to "nah-zi" or "Nazi".

2020-02-16 19:21:05 UTC  

So globalist socialist would be "globi"

2020-02-16 19:21:28 UTC  

Basically just ignoring the "socialist" part.

2020-02-16 19:25:18 UTC  

Yeah, but neologisms don't have to follow the same linguistic logic.

2020-02-16 19:25:39 UTC  

I do take your point that it wouldn't develop this way in German, though.

2020-02-16 21:43:37 UTC  

@TheGhostAgent There is no communism

2020-02-16 21:46:40 UTC  

@Firefairy globalist nazi is an oxymoron and you're a moron

2020-02-16 21:51:20 UTC  

"If AOC gets defeated" She will she's a meme "i might have hope for NYC" Don't it's a fucking trash heap you retard. All of these types of cities are the same.

2020-02-16 21:51:59 UTC  

We've been over this in 2015

2020-02-16 22:12:31 UTC  

the fat black woman is the shaman of identity politics, she can do no wrong

2020-02-16 22:23:37 UTC  

I almost want to skim what that has to say, but i don't want to give Vice the clicks.

2020-02-16 22:37:34 UTC  

How to check if a critic is excessively culturally insensitive:
"Hey if a work doesn't follow a hero's journey or three act structure, but it's still good, will you say it's good?"

2020-02-16 23:04:30 UTC  

We should just let certain people have their own territories

2020-02-16 23:06:19 UTC  

I think something like 80% of blacks in the U.S. think all whites are racist and there's certain parts of large cities people outside of that neighborhood don't go

2020-02-16 23:07:34 UTC  

Just let them have it. They could turn it into farmland or something.

2020-02-16 23:10:17 UTC  

5 stories that do what?

2020-02-16 23:10:37 UTC  

the rest of what you just said has little to nothing to do with what anyone was talking about so i'm gonna go off that.

2020-02-16 23:11:12 UTC  

that was a reply to something else

2020-02-16 23:11:20 UTC  

ah, removeing your posts to make me look dumb, clever clever.

2020-02-16 23:11:57 UTC  


2020-02-16 23:12:48 UTC  

ok, you may not have, but i still don't trust you to be much more then a basic troll based on our last interactions.

2020-02-16 23:13:45 UTC  

i just don't like you guys

2020-02-16 23:14:02 UTC  

then why are you here?

2020-02-16 23:15:48 UTC  

I just don't understand why you would hang out in a space where you don't like the people there.