Message from @TheGhostAgent

Discord ID: 679416358240518168

2020-02-18 19:29:20 UTC  

big truck like that, shoulda smoked em if its deisel wouldve been hilarious

2020-02-18 19:34:01 UTC  

the democrat party has been talking the same way about the rich for as long as i have been around,(granted that's only about 10 years politicaly) and when republicans call people like bloomburg out for being super rich it's because HIS party is the one saying how they are gonna pay for everything on the backs of the supper rich.

2020-02-18 19:38:02 UTC  

the rich talking about eating the super rich and hoping they can trick us into stopping there

2020-02-18 19:51:31 UTC  


2020-02-18 19:53:07 UTC  

Because censorship in China worked SO WELL for containment

2020-02-18 19:54:16 UTC  

@TheGhostAgent this is about depopulation, not containment

2020-02-18 19:55:02 UTC  

Seriously, not kidding. The disease has the potential to sterilize you

2020-02-18 19:55:25 UTC  

I think it's time we guillotine these politicians

2020-02-18 19:55:35 UTC  

Welcome to agenda 21 and the establishment of the new world order. Please keep your limbs inside the ride at all times.

2020-02-18 19:55:52 UTC  

You've got no idea what you're up against.

2020-02-18 19:56:06 UTC  

It wouldn't surprise me if they had DARPA deathbots and nanosuits

2020-02-18 19:56:26 UTC  

Good luck waging full scale warfare against soldiers that aren't human.

2020-02-18 19:57:02 UTC  

Quick question: does the military have a RoboCop project?
>His head and his spine went to a project run by the U.S. Army.
>Some conjecture: could you use cadaver parts and recellularize the organs (and brain specifically) for reuse)?
>The military is implanting mood regulating chips in the brains of some human labrats
>We have the potential to regenerate brain tissue after otherwise catastrophic brain damage with recent medical developments

A Brain-like Computer Made of Time Crystal: Could a Metric of Prime Alone Replace a User and Alleviate Programming Forever?

2020-02-18 19:57:03 UTC  

rofl. Nice umbrella touch there

2020-02-18 19:57:28 UTC  

I figured it was fitting given all the happenings lol

2020-02-18 19:57:49 UTC  

It kinda does feel like we live in a resident evil game right now

2020-02-18 19:58:02 UTC  

The only thing missing is the dead coming back

2020-02-18 19:58:46 UTC  

Well the pandemic is still young

2020-02-18 19:59:56 UTC  

Seems the progressives in Maine have a similar idea to you

2020-02-18 20:00:49 UTC  

Yea, that's old news from them

2020-02-18 20:01:16 UTC  

Slight difference tho. They're looking to lop heads off anyone they disagree with. I'm looking to lop heads off politicians that are quite literally sacrificing their constituents for SJW/virtue signal points

2020-02-18 20:02:57 UTC  

>China gets a start of a new viral strain
>China censors the information
>People are unable to act accordingly w/preventable measures
>New viral strain rapes China
>Surprised Pikachu face
>Leftists in the US goes -> Hey lets copy how China handled the epidemic!

2020-02-18 20:03:18 UTC  

11/10 plan

2020-02-18 20:03:49 UTC
The ruling class is all set and they won't give you a warning

2020-02-18 20:03:54 UTC  

The government doesn't serve you

2020-02-18 20:05:07 UTC  

The people who "matter" are taken care of

2020-02-18 20:07:01 UTC  

"drain the swamp" "expected to commute sentence of corrupt politician"

2020-02-18 20:07:04 UTC  

yeah, ok

2020-02-18 20:08:58 UTC  

lol.... he has a point about him getting a longer sentence than more violent criminals, but still wow. 🤦‍♂️ Not exactly a hill I'd die on

2020-02-18 22:37:52 UTC  

@Gray__Fox - It's not a surprising move. Blagojevich won Trump's favor on The Celebrity Apprentice in 2010. He's absolutely guilty of attempting to sell a Senate seat.

2020-02-18 22:42:49 UTC  

<:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2020-02-18 22:56:08 UTC  

if they didn't have dobble standards they wouldn't have any!