Message from @ARockRaider

Discord ID: 679604151952474132

2020-02-19 01:39:03 UTC  

When i said he has a right to do whatever he wants i was joking

2020-02-19 01:39:23 UTC  

@Cody you are a gasligher and a troll then,
you went form
"the meme isn't actually saying or conceding that bloomberg and bimfp are kkk"
to "It's his right to do whatever he wants with the money he earned!"
to "I'm glad you agree fellow sovereign citizen" what ever you ment by that
then "I'm not even trolling dude you're autistic or something"

2020-02-19 01:40:22 UTC  

and you can't assume just because you are jokeing that everyone is going to understand you are jokeing, there is no tone of voice or body language to tip people off to your scarcasm here

2020-02-19 01:41:44 UTC  

so me not understanding that you were jokeing is on you, not me.

2020-02-19 02:19:39 UTC  


2020-02-19 07:40:15 UTC  

did burnie lose controll of another of his rallies?

2020-02-19 07:42:43 UTC  

I love the idea of Greater Idaho.

2020-02-19 07:43:45 UTC  

I would almost argue that it's not needed though, just have north CA and east Oregon merge into their own state.

2020-02-19 07:43:58 UTC  

there really is no logical reason to not let something like that happen.

2020-02-19 07:45:19 UTC  

hey I get to vote for that. I live in Douglas county.

2020-02-19 07:46:00 UTC  

woo! good luck!

2020-02-19 07:46:48 UTC  

breaking away form the US is one thing, (though i don't think it's a big deal)
while spliting a state shouldn't be that big of a deal.

2020-02-19 07:47:58 UTC  

like what really changes for the common people? not much if anything, the zipcodes are by town.

2020-02-19 08:22:51 UTC  

I think the downside is that it will basically supercharge the leftist cities they're trying to get away from since they'll lose the voice of principled opposition that they barely have as is

2020-02-19 08:23:16 UTC  

how would it supercharge them?

2020-02-19 08:24:08 UTC  

No one telling them to stop as they run off the cliff of progressivism

2020-02-19 08:24:16 UTC  

they would get their own two senators, and they would always get some people in congress insted of getting no one in congress.

2020-02-19 08:25:00 UTC  

not to mention they would get their own delegates for the presidential elections insted of haveing no say whatsoever.

2020-02-19 08:25:36 UTC  

so the leftist cities crash and burn, they are gonna do that anyways and they don't listen to the people not in the cities.

2020-02-19 08:25:57 UTC  

I will admit, almost mad Washington wasn't part of it

2020-02-19 08:26:37 UTC  

also something that would be interesting is they may be able to build a port based on the picture Tim was showing.

2020-02-19 08:26:46 UTC  

so that would be funny.

2020-02-19 08:26:53 UTC  

I'd cut off snohomish and king county happily

2020-02-19 08:28:37 UTC  

though ill admit that i didn't listen to Tim, he causes me pain.

2020-02-19 08:29:11 UTC  

he was saying crap like "agree with the leftists that everyone is a nazi and that's why they want to be for this split"

2020-02-19 08:29:50 UTC  

like no dude, they wont be for the split just to be rid of "nazis" they will try and purge the "nazis" form their state.

2020-02-19 12:49:59 UTC  

I mean I would think it would be more of these guys want to get the hell away from the Facist Progressive Activists.

2020-02-19 13:04:35 UTC  

I guess it just feels more like they're just giving up the argument and leaving the room instead of defending their arguments and holding opposition to account

2020-02-19 13:17:16 UTC  


2020-02-19 13:27:12 UTC  

@4:06 Why are most Americans like this?

2020-02-19 13:34:30 UTC  

Why does this video exist

2020-02-19 13:34:41 UTC  

who paid these people

2020-02-19 13:35:42 UTC  

imagine composing the words black and king into a phrase and somehow thinking that means a glorified chieftain becomes a king all of a sudden

2020-02-19 13:41:58 UTC  

The porn industry needs purged from this Earth

2020-02-19 13:42:11 UTC  

And everyone who simps for it