Message from @everybodydothatdinosaur

Discord ID: 679743723365859364

2020-02-19 17:32:34 UTC  


2020-02-19 17:33:12 UTC  

And various slavic groups

2020-02-19 17:33:49 UTC  

I guess in America you will have one side that is really well organized and own's 90% of the media vs. one that is heavily disorganized but has all the guns

2020-02-19 17:33:59 UTC  

I guess it might last a few minutes becuase of that, instead of just a few seconds

2020-02-19 17:35:08 UTC  

you keep saying that, but no one in big media (besides tucker when no one's looking) reminds the nation we've been in places like afganistan for 19 years with nothing substancial to show for it

2020-02-19 17:35:25 UTC  

Although their advantage of organization only lasts as long as they have the element of surprise; the longer conservatives have to prepare the more organized they will become negating this advantage

2020-02-19 17:35:49 UTC  

Well I mean the left-wing side owns the media

2020-02-19 17:35:53 UTC  

and if you were calling the left organized.... I'm not sure what to tell you other than to get some eye drops

2020-02-19 17:36:35 UTC  

Hollywood, most trade unions, most movies and tv shows and whatnot, the news... virtually all the media

2020-02-19 17:36:54 UTC  

Their organization is better in that they have small cells which are very motivated for their cuase, like antifa or BLM or whatever

2020-02-19 17:37:16 UTC  

when's the last conservative riot you've seen? There's like patriot prayer and the proud boys, and that's about it, and they're not even really that violent

2020-02-19 17:37:34 UTC  

The left tends to show up on demand in big crowds, the whole gun-rights thing in virginia is one of hte first of it's kind

2020-02-19 17:37:40 UTC  

The conservatives don't do protests all that often

2020-02-19 17:37:47 UTC  

They tend to act more so as individuals and show up to big events

2020-02-19 17:37:58 UTC  

But it is changing

2020-02-19 17:38:10 UTC  

As of recently, largely as a response to the left, which is making them grow in that advantage

2020-02-19 17:38:23 UTC  

also the left has sort of started the boog, hence they prepared ahead of time which caught people off guard

2020-02-19 17:38:25 UTC  

dunno why you limited parameteres to just 'riots', the virginia demonstration is plenty example that it can happen, be effective, and bloodless

2020-02-19 17:38:43 UTC  

Well that is one example of a conservative protest as of late

2020-02-19 17:38:52 UTC  

Conservatives are starting to organize, but it's sort of the first of it's kind

2020-02-19 17:39:03 UTC  

I mean there aren't that many conservative protests, and weren't up until now

2020-02-19 17:39:22 UTC  

Also most people just aren't that anti-intervention, even in regards ot the middle east

2020-02-19 17:39:37 UTC  

But that's another thing entirely, just to address that point

2020-02-19 17:40:06 UTC  

After people realized bush problably didn't do 9/11 the whole anti-intervention thing died out

2020-02-19 17:40:30 UTC  

Thinking Suadi Arabia did 9/11 is like so 2005

2020-02-19 17:41:21 UTC  

yeah, dunno about the bush thing, that's out of nowhere

2020-02-19 17:41:35 UTC  

Something like half of democrats thought bush was involved somehow lol

2020-02-19 17:41:36 UTC  

Saudis however can't be more clear about their intentions

2020-02-19 17:41:46 UTC  

other than never stating them xD

2020-02-19 17:42:15 UTC  

so sending a military team over under the guise of """training""" to open fucking fire on US soil isn't statement enough?

2020-02-19 17:43:13 UTC  

Well no, it's not some kind of officially policy of suadi Arabia. I mean it can be more clear they want to attack us if they actually directly state they are attacking us. Iran says death to America every day for example as does Qatar, nothing is more clear than that I think

2020-02-19 17:43:25 UTC  

If Suadi Arabia does hate us or wants to kill us then it's all in sekrit and they are covering it up

2020-02-19 17:43:32 UTC  

There is deliberate obsfuscation

2020-02-19 17:49:36 UTC  


2020-02-19 17:51:01 UTC  

Looks just like her dad

2020-02-19 17:51:28 UTC  

I think she's adopted.

2020-02-19 17:52:34 UTC  

*showbusiness joke*

2020-02-19 17:53:28 UTC  
