Message from @Lidomite

Discord ID: 679835265535443018

2020-02-19 23:11:57 UTC  

So, what the hell? It's a bombshell that Assange made a claim in court that the WikiLeaks organization is now debunking?

2020-02-19 23:12:47 UTC  

If you can, work for his campaign and get money. Don't even have to do anything. They're going for quantity over quality.

2020-02-19 23:13:18 UTC  

You could even do the opposite and take his money while actually canvasing for another candidate.

2020-02-19 23:14:28 UTC  

That it is being twisted by US Media for another Orange Man Bad point... Or that Assanage's lawyer is throwing garbage out there.

2020-02-19 23:14:40 UTC  

how do i sign up to be a ctr shill?

2020-02-19 23:15:23 UTC  

Oh yes... Michael Bloomberg is a swell guy *Coughs* 💰 *Coughs* Hmm... I can get plenty of cough medicine now~

2020-02-19 23:15:48 UTC  

Bloomberg's campaign is also offering free phones and laptops. If you can, bleed him dry.

2020-02-19 23:17:26 UTC  

Shit, I'll make a Twitter account for that kinda money!

2020-02-19 23:17:31 UTC  

tag me in bloomer

2020-02-19 23:20:31 UTC  

Just as an aside, given all the spicy takes we've heard come out of Bloomberg's mouth, I truly believe he doesn't see people as human beings at this point.

2020-02-19 23:20:43 UTC  

Just walking efficiency percentages and dollar signs.

2020-02-19 23:29:58 UTC  


2020-02-19 23:39:45 UTC  

That's not too surprising

2020-02-19 23:40:03 UTC  

Didn't Assange claim that there was no Russian interference months ago anyway

2020-02-19 23:40:07 UTC  

Why request he do it again?

2020-02-19 23:40:45 UTC  

Strange to me. Before Trump was elected... After Trump elected... He always denied Russia being a source.

2020-02-19 23:40:56 UTC  

Apparently, it's a statement Assange made in court.

2020-02-19 23:41:09 UTC  

If he were to take that back now he is running over his own credibility.

2020-02-19 23:42:38 UTC  

If Assange made that statement, that Trump offered him a pardon for him to say Russia isn't involved in the leaks, then, I don't know, maybe he lost his mind.

2020-02-19 23:43:38 UTC  

So many holes that don't make sense. Never mind this point of contact that didn't leak at all from the incredibly leaky White House.

2020-02-19 23:44:50 UTC  


2020-02-19 23:45:02 UTC  

never really verified any of this shit

2020-02-19 23:46:41 UTC  


2020-02-19 23:46:48 UTC  

Trump would trade immunity for the source.

2020-02-19 23:47:33 UTC  

That would make sense... Assange never would give up his sources. Trump would want the source. If he could get Seth Rich? That would destroy the Democrat Russia Narrative forever.

2020-02-19 23:48:02 UTC  

No wonder they are throwing up so much shit with this.

2020-02-19 23:53:55 UTC  

i don't know why he won't say seth rich was the source. first of all, the guy is dead. second of all, revealing him as the source would strongly imply he was murdered for it. and lastly what's the point of revealing corruption if you subsequently hamper the efforts to bring justice to those responsible?

2020-02-19 23:54:04 UTC  

he's just autistic as fuck.

2020-02-19 23:54:39 UTC  

the whole point of having an organization that reveals corruption is to bring justice to the corrupt.

2020-02-19 23:54:54 UTC  

if you don't do that, what the fuck are you fucking doing?

2020-02-19 23:55:53 UTC  

does assange think that he can get a pardon and just go right back to doing wikileaks stuff? does he think that people will come to him and leak stuff just like before, like nothing ever happened?

2020-02-19 23:58:14 UTC  

Cannot say... He is facing 175 years in the US. I hate to think he would hold information of Seth Rich as a wild card~ To hold it behind his 'Never give up a source' mentality.

2020-02-19 23:59:57 UTC  

The point of "Never give up a source" is that if you do so, you'll be cut off from all future sources. Assange doesn't *have* any future sources.

2020-02-20 00:00:45 UTC  

Even if all charges were dropped tomorrow, no strings attached, no one in their right mind would talk to him about anything secret.

2020-02-20 00:01:12 UTC  

Dude will be watched like a hawk for the rest of his life by every intelligence agency on the planet and all of silicon valley too.

2020-02-20 00:01:43 UTC  

Anyone who talks to him will be signalling to every spook in the five eyes that they're a snitch.

2020-02-20 00:03:49 UTC  

True enough but one has to consider he went from someone taking in these secrets to what he is today. Likely stayed true to never giving up a source as he transitioned into... "Oh shit... I need something to bargain with!"

2020-02-20 00:05:12 UTC  

Now his lawyer puts on a show for the world. See where they can work out those... Deals with the cards he is still holding.