Message from @Frost509
Discord ID: 682267574683041799
It’s more than just free markets, it’s about who is an American and who isn’t.
What will the future average American look and act like?
Who will be in control?
Ok, lets take this somewhere. Would you give up gun rights and embrace hard socialism in order to save the white race?
if free market is your only stance then why not just have open borders lol
Yeah I guess I would have too
And you're aware that hard socialism always leads to starvation?
Yeah of course
i dont know why you think you need socialism to achieve such a goal
Well therein lies the problem then. You think abolishing the free market is fine if it saves the white race. But abolishing the free market will cause starvation. That will bring the white race to ruin.
just authoritarianism of some nature
It’s simply a question about what you value over something else
Obviously full blown communism wouldn’t actually help
and thats retarded etbrood removing the free market isnt the same as adopting socialism, are tariffs on chinese goods socialism now? are you mentally deficient?
Well Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Serbia, Czechia etc etc all still exist @ETBrooD
They’re still a majority in their own homelands
With their culture
But without a free market you're increasing the levels of starvation, effectively causing more harm than good, even to the white race.
ill remind you et
that free market economics is a relatively new strain of economic thought
No I don't think it is
and been around for only like 2 centuries
not that it was ever practiced really
nations before them had very non free markets and didnt have starvation problems lol
So the question wasn’t about European people’s becoming extinct ?
I believe what makes white people superior to other cultures is their intellect, and that can only come to fruition in the marketplace (because intellect is a strength of individuals, not collectives)
ooooooooof jeez, didnt realize it was this kind of chat here shit
Basically you’re asking me “would you rather die and never respawn again or just have a really shitty time?” @ETBrooD
which is why whites accomplished much through most of history without free market economics?
?r u restarted
We accomplished by far the most during the industrial revolution, and/or after the abolishment of the monarchy
i mean jeeze 2 centuries ago every white nation on earth was practicing strict mercantilism
Individuals form collectives to cooperate with each other. Even in free markets with corporations
ur restarted lucienne
@Frost509 ur mum is restarted
So the most technological advancements were made during the most free market era of human history
ur face is restarted
LOL COUNTRIES DIDN'T HAVE STARVATION PROBZ PRIOR TO FREE MARKET! This is top kek historian we have here guys