Message from @brett0007wastaken

Discord ID: 673935559563018244

2020-02-03 16:02:20 UTC  

theyre building out north west

2020-02-03 16:02:22 UTC  

thames estuary

2020-02-03 16:02:31 UTC  

idea was brought up

2020-02-03 16:02:36 UTC  

using reclaimed land

2020-02-03 16:02:53 UTC  

like they did in Japan's airports

2020-02-03 16:02:59 UTC  

an interesting feature is that one ship full of explosives in the estuary

2020-02-03 16:03:00 UTC  

like nagasaki

2020-02-03 16:11:52 UTC  

real world random chance generator

2020-02-03 16:31:52 UTC  

... so when is the BBC going to be kicked off the govt teet and allow to sink on its own merits?

2020-02-03 16:35:02 UTC  


2020-02-03 16:35:05 UTC  

Truly bank breaking

2020-02-03 16:35:31 UTC  

if we were the french

2020-02-03 16:35:37 UTC  

we would have rioted for 2years now

2020-02-03 16:36:42 UTC  

give them an inch, hopix...

2020-02-03 16:42:41 UTC  

@Hopix the amount of the increase isnt the point

2020-02-03 16:44:33 UTC  

A pence paid to an organization against your will that constantly tells you how shitty you are, is a pence too much.

2020-02-03 16:49:42 UTC  

I just thought it was funny, at a time when viewership is going down, less people paying the license and more politicians calling for more scrutiny of its bias.. it decides its a good time to ask for more money

2020-02-03 16:50:11 UTC  

The left aren't known for incredible foresight

2020-02-03 16:58:28 UTC  

my phone thinks Ill be interested in a guardian opinion piece titled "Boris Johnson is about to find out just how weak the UK is"

2020-02-03 16:59:18 UTC  

your phone is cucked my dude you need to redpill it :^)

2020-02-03 17:00:52 UTC  

Is it a huawei phone?

2020-02-03 17:03:03 UTC  


2020-02-03 17:05:56 UTC  

Throw me the link, I have someone who might get a kick out of it. Or be that one step closer to suicide. But hey, it's his schtick, so tough

2020-02-03 17:09:19 UTC  

youll have to google the headline... I dont wanna open it, cos my phone will start giving me more

2020-02-03 17:11:33 UTC  

the 3 quid isnt the issue

2020-02-03 17:11:44 UTC  

the fact that the BBC shouldnt be able to charge a tv license fee

2020-02-03 17:11:49 UTC  

is the point

2020-02-03 17:12:07 UTC  

It would be ok... if the BBC actually made good content

2020-02-03 17:12:12 UTC  

but it doesnt

2020-02-03 17:12:15 UTC  

and its biased as fuck

2020-02-03 17:12:24 UTC  

when it by law isnt allowed to

2020-02-03 17:12:29 UTC  

but they give 0 fucks

2020-02-03 17:15:59 UTC  

Yeah I know guys, was just having a joke

2020-02-03 17:17:01 UTC  

This is a pretty interesting take

2020-02-03 17:17:26 UTC  

Of course they are raising the licence fee. Fewer people are paying in, so they need to make up the shortfall. I mean, they're already dropping thousands of pounds worth of content costs, surely you couldn't possibly expect them to do more?


2020-02-03 17:21:44 UTC  

my first office was in weybridge

2020-02-03 17:22:03 UTC  

its a nice place

2020-02-03 17:23:40 UTC  

interesting that they mix richmond and hounslow together...