Message from @Freepz

Discord ID: 552293399873454083

2019-03-05 00:55:57 UTC


2019-03-05 00:55:59 UTC

?mute <@552287034463485972> 5h

2019-03-05 00:56:00 UTC

<:dynoError:314691684455809024> I can't find user <@552287034463485972>.

2019-03-05 00:56:01 UTC


2019-03-05 00:56:03 UTC

I banned

2019-03-05 00:56:10 UTC


2019-03-05 00:56:11 UTC

i aint havin none of anyones shit today

2019-03-05 00:56:14 UTC


2019-03-05 00:56:14 UTC

and Benz is asleep

2019-03-05 00:56:16 UTC

does this remind u of anything

2019-03-05 00:56:17 UTC


2019-03-05 00:56:18 UTC


2019-03-05 00:56:21 UTC

Hope cukie necks

2019-03-05 00:56:21 UTC

nazi mods!

2019-03-05 00:56:22 UTC


2019-03-05 00:56:25 UTC


2019-03-05 00:56:28 UTC

@Freepz Squidwards house

2019-03-05 00:56:31 UTC


2019-03-05 00:56:33 UTC


2019-03-05 00:56:37 UTC
2019-03-05 00:56:47 UTC

i mean it was an old emote on ole ip3

2019-03-05 00:56:51 UTC


2019-03-05 00:56:52 UTC

<a:peepoJam:501310424449548293> @Arhippa [bruised asshole]

2019-03-05 00:56:59 UTC

Do u like it

2019-03-05 00:57:02 UTC

@emma~ I banned the nigger be our negotiator with KatyKat

2019-03-05 00:57:05 UTC

yeah it's good, d/w about it

2019-03-05 00:57:07 UTC


2019-03-05 00:57:07 UTC


2019-03-05 00:57:10 UTC

you can play w/e

2019-03-05 00:57:11 UTC


2019-03-05 00:57:14 UTC


2019-03-05 00:57:42 UTC


2019-03-05 00:57:50 UTC

The next song is a bit differenr

2019-03-05 00:57:56 UTC


2019-03-05 00:58:02 UTC

but like

2019-03-05 00:58:19 UTC

idk when she’s coming back

2019-03-05 00:58:22 UTC

@emma~ is katys alt tho she's already here

2019-03-05 00:58:25 UTC

Are u talking to her

2019-03-05 00:58:33 UTC


2019-03-05 00:58:38 UTC

i was before

2019-03-05 00:58:39 UTC

As long as she comes back its ok @emma~