Message from @White kid

Discord ID: 552306534558859285

2019-03-05 01:43:38 UTC

Lemme tell you the story of how I broke my fucking dick bro, I was just chillin in class, minding my own business, when suddenly, an ad popped up for some bestiality porn site, and man, you could just see my desk rising up from the ground, that's how hard I was right I instantly clicked, and saw this girl getting fucked by two horses, one in each hole, and I just instantly ejaculates, it shot so hard it hit the ceiling, my desk chair rolled back from the pure force of the explosion, I crashed against the wall, flew out of my chair, fell on my dick and it fucking broke, bitch you could use a right angle to measure it. I rush to the er, blood all over my pants, screaming out in pain and pleasure, when I arrive, I tell them my story, the story of how I broke my dick. All I could hear was the doctor in the background saying"make sure this one doesn't wake again", but my testosterone levels were too high, they couldn't kill me, i had ascended into a new form of man, something beyond alpha male, I became came the Donald

2019-03-05 01:43:46 UTC

2019-03-05 01:43:50 UTC

816 kB

2019-03-05 01:43:51 UTC

bruh whos moving into andys old room

2019-03-05 01:43:56 UTC

2019-03-05 01:44:02 UTC


2019-03-05 01:44:10 UTC


2019-03-05 01:44:27 UTC

@White kid kimberlee

2019-03-05 01:44:30 UTC

2019-03-05 01:44:30 UTC


2019-03-05 01:44:35 UTC

2019-03-05 01:46:23 UTC

Nah fuck off

2019-03-05 01:46:25 UTC

2019-03-05 01:46:35 UTC

If u think ur girl got male friends lol

2019-03-05 01:46:56 UTC


2019-03-05 01:47:02 UTC

u are stupid as fuck

2019-03-05 01:47:39 UTC


2019-03-05 01:48:19 UTC


2019-03-05 01:48:44 UTC

2019-03-05 01:48:50 UTC

katy btw

2019-03-05 01:48:59 UTC


2019-03-05 01:49:19 UTC

I still prefer her over you

2019-03-05 01:49:25 UTC


2019-03-05 01:49:36 UTC

She isnt wrong

2019-03-05 01:49:39 UTC

14 btw

2019-03-05 01:49:40 UTC

No one likes that loser

2019-03-05 01:49:46 UTC

underage egirls <:WeirdChamp:532278756342104074>

2019-03-05 01:49:55 UTC

she’s unstable btw

2019-03-05 01:49:58 UTC

catfish btw

2019-03-05 01:50:02 UTC

literally a child btw

2019-03-05 01:50:02 UTC

My favorite part

2019-03-05 01:50:15 UTC

You havent even seen her @Joseph

2019-03-05 01:50:16 UTC

Is how he leaked her shit now hes kissing her ass

2019-03-05 01:50:18 UTC


2019-03-05 01:50:18 UTC


2019-03-05 01:50:25 UTC

Now thats funny

2019-03-05 01:50:41 UTC

Hes legit writing paragraphs

2019-03-05 01:50:43 UTC


2019-03-05 01:51:18 UTC

2019-03-05 01:51:18 UTC


2019-03-05 01:51:20 UTC
