Message from @wacka

Discord ID: 682585439701696554

2020-02-27 13:36:34 UTC  

And Remoaners will jump on the bandwagon

2020-02-27 13:36:41 UTC  

We need to see political warfare

2020-02-27 13:37:02 UTC  

Bojo and the cabinet need to go straight to releasing videos online with statements about their spin

2020-02-27 13:39:13 UTC  

we're not going to walk away, these are all just negotiating back n forths

2020-02-27 13:39:44 UTC  

the EU make outrageous demands, the UK makes some aswell... and hopefully we end up somewhere thats good for us

2020-02-27 13:44:01 UTC  

didn't parliament approve it?

2020-02-27 13:44:12 UTC  

how the fuck does the supremecy of parliament get overruled by court?

2020-02-27 13:44:29 UTC  

isnt this what boris wanted... he didnt want the heathrow expansion did he? he wanted it somewhere else

2020-02-27 13:44:48 UTC  

is climate campaigners the new way of saying middle class wankers with too much free time?

2020-02-27 13:47:13 UTC  

uk accounts for 1% of world emissions

2020-02-27 13:47:20 UTC  

is the airport such a big deal?

2020-02-27 13:48:35 UTC  


2020-02-27 13:49:30 UTC  

just build a new airport and let the locals find out how much they were supported by the airport

2020-02-27 13:49:33 UTC  


2020-02-27 13:50:02 UTC  

"iranian vice president for women affairs infected with covid19" ...
first question...
wtf does someone do in that position in Iran?

2020-02-27 13:50:21 UTC  

get raped

2020-02-27 13:50:34 UTC  

Rape others

2020-02-27 13:50:36 UTC  

nah thats illegal in Iran... she would be stoned to death

2020-02-27 13:50:50 UTC  

not allowed to get raped

2020-02-27 13:50:54 UTC  


2020-02-27 13:50:59 UTC  

she throws the first stone at the women

2020-02-27 13:51:02 UTC  

just to make sure it's feminist

2020-02-27 13:53:44 UTC  

```The case was brought by environmental groups, councils and the Mayor of London```

2020-02-27 13:54:15 UTC  

well done Sadiq, jeez

2020-02-27 13:54:36 UTC  

mayor of london, trying to fuck london

2020-02-27 13:54:37 UTC  


2020-02-27 13:55:49 UTC  
2020-02-27 13:55:52 UTC  


2020-02-27 14:01:38 UTC  

Here we gooooo... WHO update is now live

2020-02-27 14:02:26 UTC  

probably will just say the same stuff they say on all their daily updates

2020-02-27 14:02:50 UTC  

"china was great! they sent us the genetic code!"

2020-02-27 14:02:54 UTC  

etc etc

2020-02-27 14:22:55 UTC  

well according to china the new cases are starting to lower

2020-02-27 14:23:30 UTC  

China never lies

2020-02-27 14:23:47 UTC  


2020-02-27 14:23:58 UTC  

and the WHO licks up chinas ass

2020-02-27 14:25:07 UTC  
