Message from @MikuChan

Discord ID: 682961025129119815

2020-02-28 14:00:14 UTC  

It's a man now that died

2020-02-28 14:00:37 UTC  

Easy mistake to make

2020-02-28 14:36:15 UTC  
2020-02-28 14:37:40 UTC  

Hearts of Oak sounds like a medieval spin off of Hearts of Iron.

2020-02-28 14:37:53 UTC  

its a well chosen name

2020-02-28 14:38:16 UTC  

tommy is a national hero standing up for truth and not sugar coating/beating round the bush

2020-02-28 14:38:26 UTC  

wikipedia in 1 hour

2020-02-28 14:38:40 UTC  

"hearts of oak is an alt-right...."

2020-02-28 14:38:48 UTC  

Inb4 the establishment tries to plant glow niggers in the party.

2020-02-28 14:38:59 UTC  

i do personally support him, but i also am a little confused as to why he's been chosen for it given how easy it will be for mainstream media to put it in the "far right extremism" bin and make people ignore it

2020-02-28 14:39:15 UTC  

but it definitley seems like they are ready and waiting to fight it

2020-02-28 14:39:23 UTC  

hes not even that extreme... atleast not anymore

2020-02-28 14:39:33 UTC  

but he is portrayed as such

2020-02-28 14:39:56 UTC  

I think that Hearts of Oak will probably have a system to stop plants from getting in.

2020-02-28 14:40:35 UTC  

Like banning members of Nation Action and Combat 18 as both are controlled opposition.

2020-02-28 14:42:24 UTC  

Like I've spoken to someone who used to be in contact with its members and he confirms both are honeypots and spooks.

2020-02-28 14:43:03 UTC  

id love to plant left wing/commie/anarchist

2020-02-28 14:43:08 UTC  


2020-02-28 14:43:17 UTC  

and post all their shit here

2020-02-28 14:43:30 UTC  

but I dont have the time or the sanity

2020-02-28 14:43:52 UTC  

i discovered an anti jordan peterson reddit the other day, which i found really confusing

2020-02-28 14:43:55 UTC  

it has like 30k members

2020-02-28 14:44:01 UTC  

and its just a huge anti peterson echochamber

2020-02-28 14:48:36 UTC  

also shoe0nHead unfortunately is getting a bit too close to the commie

2020-02-28 14:48:44 UTC  

she is supporting a communist

2020-02-28 14:48:54 UTC  

which really doesnt make any sense

2020-02-28 14:49:02 UTC  

not being a literal communist in 2020, what a bigot

2020-02-28 14:49:12 UTC  

@MikuChan Typical millennial woman

2020-02-28 14:49:46 UTC  

I wouldve thought Shoe's political view would be opposed to Bernie

2020-02-28 14:49:57 UTC  

in a lot of ways

2020-02-28 14:50:09 UTC  

hes a hypocritical champagne commie#

2020-02-28 14:50:20 UTC  

and a gullible senile simpleton

2020-02-28 14:50:53 UTC  

not as senile as biden though

2020-02-28 14:50:58 UTC  

his only redeeming characteristic

2020-02-28 14:51:32 UTC  

Shoe is better than the wierdo with the dreadlocks.

2020-02-28 14:51:42 UTC  

he said the soviet system would be better than the US one... not like he ever met stalin or anything

2020-02-28 14:51:59 UTC  

not like the soviets airbrushed everything to outsiders

2020-02-28 14:52:01 UTC  

he also tips his hat to murderous communist dictators multiple times

2020-02-28 14:52:08 UTC  

like castro