Message from @Vinklo

Discord ID: 552533118998020108

2019-03-05 16:47:34 UTC

Any who

2019-03-05 16:47:36 UTC

2019-03-05 16:47:39 UTC

wtf this comand is epic

2019-03-05 16:47:42 UTC

Y’all have flabbergasted me enough

2019-03-05 16:47:49 UTC

I’ll be on my way now

2019-03-05 16:47:54 UTC


2019-03-05 16:48:09 UTC


2019-03-05 16:48:13 UTC

Comp estas tu

2019-03-05 16:48:15 UTC


2019-03-05 16:48:20 UTC

ciao 😢

2019-03-05 16:48:20 UTC

English dictionary

2019-03-05 16:48:25 UTC

Fucks my Spanish up

2019-03-05 16:48:32 UTC

With auto correct

2019-03-05 16:48:34 UTC

watashi wa yo mama

2019-03-05 16:48:40 UTC

desole je parle seulement le francais et l'arabe

2019-03-05 16:48:45 UTC

Y’all can call me papi chulo

2019-03-05 16:48:49 UTC

hola señoras

2019-03-05 16:49:02 UTC

¿como estas?

2019-03-05 16:49:12 UTC

@catass marhaba

2019-03-05 16:49:14 UTC

salam alaykum

2019-03-05 16:49:21 UTC

Hola como estas

2019-03-05 16:49:21 UTC

omae wa mou shindeiru

2019-03-05 16:49:21 UTC

GG @Droidy, you just advanced to level 18!

2019-03-05 16:49:30 UTC

No one cares u fucking spic

2019-03-05 16:49:31 UTC

alaykum salam

2019-03-05 16:49:32 UTC

marhaba freepz

2019-03-05 16:49:34 UTC


2019-03-05 16:49:38 UTC

me llamo Goal

2019-03-05 16:49:44 UTC

Habibi boom!

2019-03-05 16:49:53 UTC

@vince I speak no Spanish

2019-03-05 16:50:00 UTC


2019-03-05 16:50:08 UTC
2019-03-05 16:50:20 UTC

@Vinklo ¿no habla español?

2019-03-05 16:50:25 UTC


2019-03-05 16:50:34 UTC


2019-03-05 16:50:37 UTC

si si

2019-03-05 16:50:41 UTC


2019-03-05 16:50:50 UTC

und deutsch?

2019-03-05 16:50:55 UTC

@Freepz lnfao brb lol

2019-03-05 16:50:56 UTC


2019-03-05 16:51:00 UTC

A bit