Message from @bobby turkalino

Discord ID: 552557185142489118

2019-03-05 18:22:40 UTC


2019-03-05 18:22:43 UTC

<:gachiGASM:494994174370906112> when I find a decent server with good emojis

2019-03-05 18:22:51 UTC

@Benztruck im inside apex

2019-03-05 18:23:09 UTC


2019-03-05 18:23:11 UTC


2019-03-05 18:23:16 UTC


2019-03-05 18:23:21 UTC

Wheres that i had it and i want it back @Droidy

2019-03-05 18:23:44 UTC

@Benztruck Dallas

2019-03-05 18:23:46 UTC

data center

2019-03-05 18:23:48 UTC
2019-03-05 18:23:53 UTC

such a yes man on call rn

2019-03-05 18:24:06 UTC

@bobby turkalino i wanna call in

2019-03-05 18:24:07 UTC


2019-03-05 18:24:10 UTC


2019-03-05 18:24:12 UTC


2019-03-05 18:24:14 UTC

hahaha hes like "who needs it, its doing nothing" volde "well if you wanna be honest here, the reddit is doing really good"

2019-03-05 18:24:19 UTC


2019-03-05 18:24:36 UTC

@Jaaf Does that nigga volde accept discord calls?

2019-03-05 18:24:39 UTC

or just voice calls

2019-03-05 18:24:51 UTC

Bulleck dm adrian on twitter

2019-03-05 18:24:58 UTC

@Benztruck he can;t lie about him

2019-03-05 18:25:00 UTC

i aint got no twitter cuz

2019-03-05 18:25:02 UTC

im sure they will set up a discord call

2019-03-05 18:25:06 UTC

whats his handle?

2019-03-05 18:25:14 UTC

2019-03-05 18:25:18 UTC

@Jaaf whats volde handle ill add him

2019-03-05 18:25:21 UTC


2019-03-05 18:25:23 UTC


2019-03-05 18:25:32 UTC


2019-03-05 18:25:36 UTC


2019-03-05 18:26:34 UTC

who tagged me <:woke:495100112427810816>

2019-03-05 18:27:25 UTC


2019-03-05 18:27:27 UTC


2019-03-05 18:27:40 UTC

was wondering if u want to play fortnite

2019-03-05 18:27:55 UTC

@DanielBulleck you guys hurt my feelings man

2019-03-05 18:28:04 UTC

No his discord is fucked he said

2019-03-05 18:28:06 UTC


2019-03-05 18:28:12 UTC

he told me to contact him via twitter

2019-03-05 18:28:17 UTC

@Jaaf Damn then GG i cant call

2019-03-05 18:28:26 UTC

noo the call willbe in discord

2019-03-05 18:28:33 UTC

@DanielBulleck slid into Voldy's dms for you rn