Message from @lexi

Discord ID: 552579995478917126

2019-03-05 19:54:54 UTC

im fat so now i dont eat

2019-03-05 19:54:56 UTC

Hell yeah !

2019-03-05 19:54:58 UTC

@Liquidor she's underage retard

2019-03-05 19:54:59 UTC


2019-03-05 19:55:00 UTC

@Alpaca Keep it cool

2019-03-05 19:55:05 UTC

Lol u thought

2019-03-05 19:55:09 UTC
2019-03-05 19:55:10 UTC

@Liquidorneckbeard fag kys

2019-03-05 19:55:10 UTC


2019-03-05 19:55:12 UTC

remember when ip1 was grooming a 17 year old

2019-03-05 19:55:13 UTC


2019-03-05 19:55:18 UTC

Enforce rule 6 <:WeirdChamp:532278756342104074>

2019-03-05 19:55:19 UTC

U didnt even type

2019-03-05 19:55:21 UTC


2019-03-05 19:55:23 UTC

I did

2019-03-05 19:55:26 UTC


2019-03-05 19:55:28 UTC

@YGN Manta How the fuck would I know?

2019-03-05 19:55:30 UTC

Had it ready

2019-03-05 19:55:33 UTC


2019-03-05 19:55:35 UTC


2019-03-05 19:55:37 UTC

underage btw

2019-03-05 19:55:37 UTC


2019-03-05 19:55:38 UTC

Coggins used to spam about India whenshe was 16

2019-03-05 19:55:45 UTC

I'm not obsessed with people @YGN Manta

2019-03-05 19:55:46 UTC


2019-03-05 19:55:49 UTC

coggins hella pedo

2019-03-05 19:55:50 UTC

Ok back to the other server

2019-03-05 19:55:53 UTC

migrate erebus

2019-03-05 19:55:54 UTC

🚪 🏃

2019-03-05 19:56:01 UTC

@Liquidor crazy how both of you are obese

2019-03-05 19:56:07 UTC

Mods deleted logs when they were investigated by fbi

2019-03-05 19:56:07 UTC

Fat faggot

2019-03-05 19:56:09 UTC


2019-03-05 19:56:09 UTC

@YGN Manta Also really scary to think that you know that he or she is underage... But I'm not surprised when it's you

2019-03-05 19:56:11 UTC

<:OMEGALUL:494994480689315842> <:OMEGALUL:494994480689315842> <:OMEGALUL:494994480689315842> <:OMEGALUL:494994480689315842>

2019-03-05 19:56:22 UTC

@Liquidor u wanna vc with her

2019-03-05 19:56:23 UTC

What do you expect when he's a webdev

2019-03-05 19:56:23 UTC


2019-03-05 19:56:24 UTC


2019-03-05 19:56:27 UTC


2019-03-05 19:56:29 UTC
