Message from @conormcgregor

Discord ID: 552651672787091480

2019-03-06 00:38:36 UTC

But please don't post gore

2019-03-06 00:38:45 UTC

It's against our rules

2019-03-06 00:38:47 UTC

I once posted log in PA
fuckers took my members perm

2019-03-06 00:38:58 UTC

Suck my dick motherfuckers

2019-03-06 00:39:23 UTC


2019-03-06 00:39:26 UTC

@SAUCEBOSS loool they've gone wild with all the banning, banned so many people for not reason, school is pretty boring but stressful for me atm, almost on march break tho

2019-03-06 00:39:29 UTC


2019-03-06 00:39:39 UTC

tf is pa

2019-03-06 00:39:41 UTC

@SepTheDepp tell him that he caused Ice's community to become radicalized due to leaving us with nowhere else to go besides IP2

2019-03-06 00:39:45 UTC
2019-03-06 00:39:46 UTC

Kat can you ban angelofdeath

2019-03-06 00:39:53 UTC


2019-03-06 00:39:53 UTC

Ones imposter

2019-03-06 00:39:57 UTC

mods mute @SER GAYMER S2 from music VC thank u

2019-03-06 00:40:01 UTC


2019-03-06 00:40:02 UTC

i been here

2019-03-06 00:40:04 UTC

i lurk

2019-03-06 00:40:08 UTC

pa is purple army

2019-03-06 00:40:10 UTC

Mr beast suc

2019-03-06 00:40:13 UTC

Ricardo has arrived

2019-03-06 00:40:26 UTC

How long until SEP mods ip1 mods on ip2 Reddit

2019-03-06 00:40:34 UTC


2019-03-06 00:40:38 UTC


2019-03-06 00:40:47 UTC

Kae I can come down in 3 weeks

2019-03-06 00:40:48 UTC

@SepTheDepp fat Muslim

2019-03-06 00:40:59 UTC

Yeah kat keep me updated I may not be here

2019-03-06 00:41:03 UTC


2019-03-06 00:41:05 UTC


2019-03-06 00:41:05 UTC

GG @SER GAYMER S2, you just advanced to level 1!

2019-03-06 00:41:12 UTC

Kys rochelle

2019-03-06 00:41:23 UTC

Next weekend's my birthday

2019-03-06 00:41:29 UTC

U should come up uwu

2019-03-06 00:41:31 UTC


2019-03-06 00:41:32 UTC

Epic @kat

2019-03-06 00:41:34 UTC

2019-03-06 00:41:45 UTC
2019-03-06 00:41:49 UTC

ill help u with school work @catass

2019-03-06 00:41:53 UTC

@catass yeah they're retarded, haha and yeah school sucks i got so many exams this month <:pepeHang:495085961013624843>

2019-03-06 00:41:53 UTC


2019-03-06 00:41:56 UTC

wut r u studying

2019-03-06 00:42:10 UTC

@SER GAYMER S2im already banned from that server