Message from @Joseph

Discord ID: 552670508609437702

2019-03-06 01:54:44 UTC


2019-03-06 01:54:45 UTC


2019-03-06 01:54:47 UTC


2019-03-06 01:54:48 UTC


2019-03-06 01:54:49 UTC


2019-03-06 01:54:50 UTC


2019-03-06 01:54:51 UTC


2019-03-06 01:54:53 UTC


2019-03-06 01:54:54 UTC

Fine, like my heart

2019-03-06 01:54:54 UTC


2019-03-06 01:54:57 UTC


2019-03-06 01:54:59 UTC

It's steam pasteurized, way less carcinogens than cigarettes

2019-03-06 01:55:07 UTC


2019-03-06 01:55:08 UTC


2019-03-06 01:55:09 UTC


2019-03-06 01:55:11 UTC

<:whip:549027354094206976> <:gachiGASM:494994174370906112>

2019-03-06 01:55:12 UTC

<:whip:549027354094206976> <:gachiGASM:494994174370906112>

2019-03-06 01:55:14 UTC

Chewing tobacco still can cause mouth cancer

2019-03-06 01:55:14 UTC

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***kawaii#8696 has been warned., don’t spam faggot***

2019-03-06 01:55:14 UTC

<:whip:549027354094206976> <:gachiGASM:494994174370906112>

2019-03-06 01:55:17 UTC

<:cmonBro:468633134620213248> <:cmonBro:468633134620213248>

2019-03-06 01:55:22 UTC

How often do you see people die from heart diseases because of smoking

2019-03-06 01:55:32 UTC

Excuse me <:cmonBrug:494982864916709386>

2019-03-06 01:55:32 UTC

Or other nicotine products

2019-03-06 01:55:36 UTC

Almost none because who the fuck chews tobacco

2019-03-06 01:55:43 UTC

being alive causes cancer to be fair

2019-03-06 01:55:45 UTC


2019-03-06 01:55:45 UTC


2019-03-06 01:55:46 UTC


2019-03-06 01:55:48 UTC

What is this 19dickity2

2019-03-06 01:55:52 UTC


2019-03-06 01:55:58 UTC


2019-03-06 01:55:59 UTC

<:whip:549027354094206976> πŸ‘¨β€β€οΈβ€πŸ’‹β€πŸ‘¨

2019-03-06 01:56:04 UTC

Who said anything about chewing

2019-03-06 01:56:07 UTC

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***angelofdeth#5044 was muted, 10m for nsfw the other 10 because you’re annoying***

2019-03-06 01:56:12 UTC

Do you just suck on it

2019-03-06 01:56:25 UTC

No, you put it under your lip and the gums do the rest

2019-03-06 01:56:26 UTC

I'm an ignorant Australian. Enlighten me

2019-03-06 01:56:31 UTC

R u retarded

2019-03-06 01:56:33 UTC

Sounds fun

2019-03-06 01:56:39 UTC
