Message from @Scuffedcookies

Discord ID: 552700681161539592

2019-03-06 03:53:10 UTC

this stupid nigger

2019-03-06 03:53:15 UTC


2019-03-06 03:53:19 UTC

is biggest sus wagnsta

2019-03-06 03:53:23 UTC


2019-03-06 03:53:32 UTC

who actually paid for that "mansion" tho?

2019-03-06 03:53:38 UTC

i mean they're renting it ofc

2019-03-06 03:53:43 UTC

never finished his scuffed sjc game

2019-03-06 03:53:53 UTC


2019-03-06 03:53:54 UTC

fuck sjc

2019-03-06 03:53:58 UTC


2019-03-06 03:54:01 UTC

never liked the guy

2019-03-06 03:54:07 UTC

who would invest in dog shit andy

2019-03-06 03:54:11 UTC

probably streamme or whoever is investing in scuffed

2019-03-06 03:54:13 UTC

dude leeched off him to get into cx mansion

2019-03-06 03:54:21 UTC

maybe some asians who are the parents of those 2 leeches lul

2019-03-06 03:54:32 UTC

i can't stand those asian leeches

2019-03-06 03:54:38 UTC

one has such super punchable face

2019-03-06 03:54:40 UTC

like holy shit

2019-03-06 03:54:50 UTC

everyone says ssj brought them so i wouldnt be surprised if they have something to do with investors

2019-03-06 03:54:52 UTC

down syndrom asian andy lol

2019-03-06 03:55:11 UTC

no idea there connection

2019-03-06 03:55:24 UTC

they look like broke college kids

2019-03-06 03:55:31 UTC

i cant see the mansion lasting long tho with the mess theyre making

2019-03-06 03:55:51 UTC

must be doing well if ices is getting his girl apartment

2019-03-06 03:56:01 UTC

only thing is there are no neighbors close by to complain

2019-03-06 03:56:06 UTC

and theres a huge empty field behind it

2019-03-06 03:56:18 UTC

didnt ssj go apeshit

2019-03-06 03:56:22 UTC

cuz of neighbours?

2019-03-06 03:56:24 UTC


2019-03-06 03:56:30 UTC

he has neighbors

2019-03-06 03:56:38 UTC

i mean not close by like apartments

2019-03-06 03:56:40 UTC

so funny when they sent pizzas to the neighbors

2019-03-06 03:56:51 UTC

next level trihard

2019-03-06 03:57:20 UTC

i forgot, is adrian writing another article or a book this time

2019-03-06 03:57:34 UTC

he's writing a book i believe.

2019-03-06 03:57:56 UTC

gonna take over twitch irl btw <:pepeRetard:495092608104792064>

2019-03-06 03:58:41 UTC

cmon man dont use that site

2019-03-06 03:59:10 UTC

yes yes i use too

2019-03-06 03:59:10 UTC

GG @coon, you just advanced to level 5!

2019-03-06 03:59:13 UTC

just wanted to check the views

2019-03-06 04:01:08 UTC

so what yall think