Message from @Dunlop
Discord ID: 552719274456776704
ice is 10k andy dude..
like ice keeps bringing them up
money is nice but i have a chill life tbh
low stress and have my own place
>6 figures
well.. how
ice doesnt pay him
thats confirmed
6 figures when the next round of investors come
no way he gets 6 figures from trapnation
since he just does web shit for em
those vids get millions of views though
he doesnt run yt
oh do they have an actual site?
oh yeah
for submissions n stuff
trapnation has tons of sub-channesl too
for different genres etc
he must be making a good cut from that cause who tf would hire a kid
must have been part of the founders
or close friends
i saw a grubhub ad promoting chick fil a
fucking sjws in comments whining about gay marriage and shit
food is fucking good thats all i care
imagine caring about gays and what they do <:haHAA:495080082747031553>