Message from @Nah. ☹

Discord ID: 552855958473408513

2019-03-06 14:10:51 UTC

Bale is gay

2019-03-06 14:11:00 UTC


2019-03-06 14:11:07 UTC

Talk about being triggered by a reaction loool

2019-03-06 14:11:12 UTC


2019-03-06 14:11:13 UTC

do they just randomly remove stuff? lolwut

2019-03-06 14:11:17 UTC

is manta retarded again

2019-03-06 14:11:20 UTC


2019-03-06 14:11:27 UTC


2019-03-06 14:11:28 UTC

<:woke:495100112427810816> <:whip:549027354094206976>

2019-03-06 14:11:31 UTC


2019-03-06 14:11:32 UTC


2019-03-06 14:11:36 UTC
2019-03-06 14:11:40 UTC

Who play black shot global

2019-03-06 14:11:40 UTC

Didn't even say anything and dis bitch talks about me looool

2019-03-06 14:11:42 UTC


2019-03-06 14:11:46 UTC

Boutta cannon one upperbelt RN

2019-03-06 14:11:58 UTC

@pro gamer if ur a pro gamer

2019-03-06 14:11:58 UTC

Not even one word and shes in ger feelings loool

2019-03-06 14:12:02 UTC

lets play roblox

2019-03-06 14:12:07 UTC

defo a jap spacker

2019-03-06 14:12:12 UTC


2019-03-06 14:12:25 UTC

Play swordfight tournament only og niggas out here @meg

2019-03-06 14:12:32 UTC


2019-03-06 14:12:32 UTC


2019-03-06 14:12:35 UTC


2019-03-06 14:12:41 UTC

see how obsessed he is about me

2019-03-06 14:12:43 UTC


2019-03-06 14:12:46 UTC


2019-03-06 14:12:49 UTC


2019-03-06 14:12:51 UTC

if i say his name once

2019-03-06 14:12:52 UTC

Yes no one cares

2019-03-06 14:12:55 UTC

worse than a dead server, this is just yikes and worse than ip1/ip2

2019-03-06 14:12:55 UTC

he wants my attention

2019-03-06 14:12:57 UTC


2019-03-06 14:13:00 UTC


2019-03-06 14:13:04 UTC

Meg ily

2019-03-06 14:13:05 UTC


2019-03-06 14:13:08 UTC

yes I get triggered over reactions <:LULW:522255935566118940> <:LULW:522255935566118940> <:LULW:522255935566118940>

2019-03-06 14:13:11 UTC

Then fuck off @hank

2019-03-06 14:13:15 UTC

Mire than hippa

2019-03-06 14:13:21 UTC
