Message from @ETBrooD

Discord ID: 678656146650693642

2020-02-16 17:30:39 UTC  

“Attack their family?”

2020-02-16 17:30:41 UTC  

No one

2020-02-16 17:30:50 UTC  

But JF claims Fuentes did that

2020-02-16 17:31:35 UTC  

The closest Fuentes came to doing that was saying JF couldn’t keep his kids because he lost a court battle

2020-02-16 17:31:49 UTC  

Nick didn’t contact JF’s kids or Ex’s

2020-02-16 17:32:05 UTC  

Well I guess it's time to ask JF for the full story

2020-02-16 17:32:13 UTC  

And then ask Fuentes for confirmation

2020-02-16 17:33:49 UTC

2020-02-16 17:34:14 UTC  

Don't know what ethnicity though...

2020-02-16 17:34:21 UTC  

@ETBrooD also, how does the AH get his research wrong?

2020-02-16 17:34:46 UTC  

I could try to find the latest video he got massively wrong

2020-02-16 17:34:50 UTC  

If you care to wait

2020-02-16 17:35:03 UTC  

The HBD one or the WW1 one?

2020-02-16 17:35:06 UTC  

Or rather the latest video I watched, not that he uploaded

2020-02-16 17:35:12 UTC  

Oh ok

2020-02-16 17:35:34 UTC  

Sure post it

2020-02-16 17:35:46 UTC

2020-02-16 17:35:48 UTC  

Aight, I'll try to find it

2020-02-16 17:37:08 UTC  

YT got improved a bit I guess, found it much faster

2020-02-16 17:37:14 UTC  

than expected

2020-02-16 17:37:26 UTC  

Oh he got it wrong about JP?

2020-02-16 17:37:49 UTC  

It’s been so long since I went threw he’s work

2020-02-16 17:37:56 UTC  

I don't remember what it was exactly that I disagreed with in that video, I watch too much stuff. I'll have to rewatch the video.

2020-02-16 17:38:16 UTC  

Nah don’t worry about it if you can’t be bothered

2020-02-16 17:38:24 UTC  

It was in the first 10 minutes

2020-02-16 17:38:35 UTC  

One or two arguments he made that I found terrible

2020-02-16 17:38:49 UTC  

If it’s about JBP I could really care less

2020-02-16 17:39:07 UTC  

idk if his argument is specifically about JBP

2020-02-16 17:40:03 UTC  

Found it

2020-02-16 17:40:51 UTC  

AH's strong suit is in population genetics and intelligence research. He usually is spot on with that stuff and has tremendous knowledge on that. His geopolitics videos are not that great in comparison.

2020-02-16 17:43:08 UTC  

"WN has nothing to prove. It was WN that defeated Hitler's bizarre Aryanist race cult. It was WN that led in the industrial revolution."
"The Idea of having all-huwite countries [...] is where the concept of individual rights, self-determination and a market economy as we conceive of it was created."

2020-02-16 17:44:50 UTC  

Terrible historical take. Terrible philosophical take. Just overall terrible. And since this is a key element of his whole argument, the rest of the video comes apart at the seams.

2020-02-16 17:45:44 UTC  

Alright, I would respond but I’m packing. I just something typing from the depths. I don’t know why it’s out, idk why it’s here. But it is

2020-02-16 17:45:58 UTC  

All I know is I need to get the fuck out

2020-02-16 17:46:02 UTC  


2020-02-16 18:07:18 UTC  

TheHill: Sanders goes after Bloomberg: He won't create 'energy' needed to beat Trump.

2020-02-16 18:08:17 UTC  

The left continues to eat their own, meanwhile I'm running out of popcorn.

2020-02-16 18:12:21 UTC  

A bit ironic that Sanders talks about energy when his health is deteriorating

2020-02-16 18:30:08 UTC  

I think he means public enthusiasm and voter turnout.

2020-02-16 18:32:53 UTC  

That's true ofc, but the irony is still present