Message from @ETBrooD

Discord ID: 681146831664840720

2020-02-23 14:12:22 UTC  

The 9axis test is US-centric
>State and local laws should have precedence over national laws

2020-02-23 14:12:51 UTC  

That question doesn't apply well to many other countries

2020-02-23 14:13:46 UTC  

it applies, you don't necessarily have the history of states and their rights but everywhere has a region of some kind

2020-02-23 14:13:52 UTC  

easily translatable to counties

2020-02-23 14:14:01 UTC  

city states is the exception, somewhat

2020-02-23 14:14:13 UTC  

or oblasts if you're further east

2020-02-23 14:17:44 UTC  

This question is bad
>Countries that violate human rights should be toppled
From within or from outside?

2020-02-23 14:19:02 UTC  

Also, what are human rights? UN definition? Other definitions?

2020-02-23 14:19:20 UTC  

The quiz is certainly taking a US centric approach, it's very clear

2020-02-23 14:21:22 UTC  

Another bad question
>People should think of themselves as citizens of their nation rather than their state
"State" is not defined

2020-02-23 14:23:16 UTC  

Highly US centric, it's basically impossible to take much away from that quiz

2020-02-23 14:23:38 UTC  

Depending on how you define words or what perspective you take you can come out with strongly varying results

2020-02-23 14:26:06 UTC  

on the contrary, I think having an obvious context to the questions is more useful than not. Generalised terms have less meaning

2020-02-23 14:28:21 UTC  

my main contentions with this quiz so far are all the places where it deviates from the politiscales version of 8values

2020-02-23 14:33:12 UTC  

I strongly disagree because sometimes the test asks for abstract ideology and sometimes for the real life application of policies

2020-02-23 14:33:28 UTC  

Mixing both together leads to a confused set of values

2020-02-23 14:33:33 UTC  

ok NOW I'm triggered by it

2020-02-23 14:33:48 UTC  

"States cannot function without a strong national government" - which definition of states ffs

2020-02-23 14:33:56 UTC  

Exactly 🙂

2020-02-23 14:34:19 UTC  

I think it's a pretty bad quiz created by someone who doesn't really understand political philosophy

2020-02-23 14:35:12 UTC  

someone looked at 8values (a slight corruption of the obviously French politiscales) and decided 'this is confusing and european, I have to make it American'

2020-02-23 14:38:54 UTC  

Lets make 10values next and blend them all together to fix this problem

2020-02-23 14:39:11 UTC  

*not sarcasm at all /s*

2020-02-23 14:56:39 UTC  

all that to get results I think are relatively meaningless because of the content of the questions. thoroughly unimpressed, and I think my results describe my ideology poorly.

2020-02-23 14:59:13 UTC  

Would you say tradition, religiosity and isolationism describe your views somewhat?

2020-02-23 14:59:56 UTC  

Which particular value do you think is furthest from your own opinion?

2020-02-23 15:00:10 UTC  

I don't like that personality disorder test, not very scientific afaik @ETBrooD

2020-02-23 15:00:48 UTC  

well for comparison, here's my latest politiscales result

2020-02-23 15:01:43 UTC  

I like it tbh

2020-02-23 15:02:00 UTC  

But I might be biased because I think it describes me pretty much perfectly

2020-02-23 15:02:36 UTC  

my results were pretty much all zero so maybe that was the annoying part.

2020-02-23 15:03:56 UTC  

Holy shit how's that even possible 😄

2020-02-23 15:04:37 UTC  

but yeah, you see the difference between 9axis and politiscales? 9axis implies that I'm relatively centrist but religious and nationalist, while politiscales correctly identifies that i'm a conservative nationalist who largely wants to work within rationalised systems. far more informative.

2020-02-23 15:06:26 UTC  

and yeah if you're rationalising questions the way I do, on a quiz like that you're only gonna score on existentialist questions. So i'm pretty sure I had numbers only on compulsive, avoidant, depressive and borderline.

2020-02-23 15:06:56 UTC  

didn't save my result because it wasn't worth keeping

2020-02-23 15:08:01 UTC  

huh alright

2020-02-23 15:09:04 UTC  

Well, personality can be trained to some extent <:transdank:462401354745249792>

2020-02-23 15:09:58 UTC  

If you're unhappy with your personality being a flatland like the Netherlands you can perhaps try to raise your schizoid levels, that sounds the most fun tbh <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>

2020-02-23 15:13:13 UTC  

oh for sure, it can be changed. But I'm perfectly fine with having a lack of outstanding mental issues (at least those considered insane by function). get enough weird looks when I talk about my interests or politics anyway