Message from @UnScottable

Discord ID: 683405390917926964

2020-02-29 20:01:22 UTC  

@Andrew Popa 2.0 then get offline and go to college

2020-02-29 20:01:41 UTC  

Go get a geopolitics degree bro

2020-02-29 20:01:48 UTC  

All this Mutt talk from you guys is cope in your purity spiral about your race being killed off and replaced. I would sooner rather my sons date Persian Iranian women than any Cucked angloid anyday.

2020-02-29 20:02:11 UTC  

Like why are you in a political discord server if all you’re gonna do is bitch about no one has a right to a opinion because they’re all dumb normies who don’t matter?

2020-02-29 20:02:38 UTC  

Just shut the fuck up dude, you add nothing to the conversation

2020-02-29 20:03:12 UTC  

yea go read the New York Times. They have degrees

2020-02-29 20:03:29 UTC  

Yes and I am pointing out that American civic culture is essentially non-denominational. That often enough your 'Protestant stock' does not carry them well. Thus my emphasis on teaching civics and love of country rather than factionalism.

2020-02-29 20:04:10 UTC  

@Jym well Protestantism is particularly individualistic, I’m not even sure if I like the particular sect. It takes the idea that everyone should read the Bible and make up their own minds and shouldn’t listen to a pope. It’s because of this “religious libertarianism” I guess, of why it matters. And all I’m saying that it should be considered. *considered* I’m not saying we should ban Catholicism.

2020-02-29 20:04:35 UTC  

> All this Mutt talk from you guys is cope in your purity spiral about your race being killed off and replaced. I would sooner rather my sons date Persian Iranian women than any Cucked angloid anyday.

I guess I'm gonna "purity spiral" because I dont see Chechens and Turks as racial kin lmao

2020-02-29 20:04:50 UTC  

i think teaching love of country and what not is all well and good as long as the vision of the country that our forefathers wanted is being taught.

2020-02-29 20:05:10 UTC  

not some BS 60's era onward post modernist vision of a multi-cultural America

2020-02-29 20:05:34 UTC  

It does often seem like people think the US started in 1920

2020-02-29 20:05:57 UTC  

More like 2020

2020-02-29 20:07:01 UTC  

What the fuck does Caucasian mean to you if you don't think Chechens are white lmao? They aren't racial kin?

2020-02-29 20:07:21 UTC  

These ideas didn’t come from absolutely no where. They came from English Protestant settlers of North America. Context matters

2020-02-29 20:07:33 UTC  

A Somali and an Ethiopian are also Caucasians

2020-02-29 20:07:40 UTC  

Instead what we have is those people being demonized and having statues removed because "they were racists".

2020-02-29 20:08:22 UTC  

Also here is my proposal for how we determine who is white.

Visual Inspection of having white skin, besides the jews.

simple as

2020-02-29 20:08:44 UTC  

No they arent European

2020-02-29 20:09:02 UTC  

this is coming from the Scot

2020-02-29 20:09:53 UTC  

If whites include Chechens and turks i'm glad the Scots aren't white

2020-02-29 20:10:55 UTC  

can the chechs have green eyes and stuff or are they brown eyes

2020-02-29 20:11:11 UTC  

@JoeyJoestar1337 where are they from? Some look Asiatic

2020-02-29 20:11:57 UTC  

Those are Chechens, sperg. And you're retarded if you think Scots aren't white.

2020-02-29 20:12:40 UTC  

I was clearly joking about the Scots not being white, retard

2020-02-29 20:12:55 UTC  

That's the nature of slavic people ethnically too that they're kinda Asiatic.

2020-02-29 20:13:14 UTC  

Not all of them are Asiatic

2020-02-29 20:13:47 UTC  

Like a mix breed of white people and asians that got back with white people and then were with themselves in their regions

2020-02-29 20:13:55 UTC  

honestly that might have something to do with the resistance to liberalism, being more Asiatic

2020-02-29 20:14:17 UTC  

Japan and south Korea are really liberal nations

2020-02-29 20:14:20 UTC

2020-02-29 20:14:59 UTC  

Maltese, Sicilians, Greeks and Cypriots are the border

2020-02-29 20:15:25 UTC  

Some Turks are, some aren’t

2020-02-29 20:15:37 UTC  

Just like some mexicans are and some aren't

2020-02-29 20:15:48 UTC  

Because some Mexicans are spanish

2020-02-29 20:15:54 UTC  

Castizos and mestizos

2020-02-29 20:16:04 UTC  

But I’m gonna leave this dumpster fire rofl

2020-02-29 20:16:05 UTC  

And some Turks are greek

2020-02-29 20:16:13 UTC  

not very strange, turkey has a mix of pre turkic and central asia

2020-02-29 20:16:13 UTC  

Dimensions 1 and 2 for what