Message from @Papa John's Day of Reckoning
Discord ID: 678532280980996096
Fucking faggots
Exterminatus happened
rip your memes faggots
Wall's been cleaned
Shit I was an hour away from catching up on backlog
*sharpens machete*
Time to culturally-enrich Discordia and the rest.
imagine stealing my meme and reposting it like 2 minutes later
what did the asshats do this time to get chat nuked ???
im just glad i got last message and it was me calling that missing presumed dead retard a faggot
"Oh boy I can't wait to catch up on all the memes I missed while I was asleep."
Gas the kikes
I love how the postmemes gif is a meme in itself
i love how the only time i see that is when were already posting memes