Message from @DanielBulleck
Discord ID: 552983989158412310
okayyyy dude
FUCK TO ALL COON NIGGERS 🐒♿<:whip:549027354094206976> <:woke:495100112427810816> <:TriHard:494994515665354772>
Can we start taking donations for roles so bulleck can move out of his shithole of a country
@Dyno fight me Faggot
only as a prank
i saw that
@DanielBulleck do you take donations i know your country is in a pretty bad spot rn
@Dyno dirty internet slave
third world country internet is so trash it suddenly stops
Might fly bulleck to the states and buy him a crib just to flex
you should
Is my nigger @Tommy Hagen alive?
@Jerry nigga do i look like a UNICEF kid
time to check nsfw for some good memes
is zoophilia allowed in discord
only if its with monkeys <:TriHard:494994515665354772>
and dogs
hi instagibz
long time no see my homie
ye true, streams been ResidentSleeper so i kinda zoned out for a while
same , started watchin dr disrespect now