Message from @Instagibz

Discord ID: 552984639321407489

2019-03-06 22:40:31 UTC


2019-03-06 22:40:34 UTC

you should

2019-03-06 22:40:36 UTC

Is my nigger @Tommy Hagen alive?

2019-03-06 22:40:42 UTC


2019-03-06 22:40:55 UTC

@Jerry nigga do i look like a UNICEF kid

2019-03-06 22:40:56 UTC


2019-03-06 22:41:05 UTC

Here we go... time to laugh

2019-03-06 22:41:17 UTC


2019-03-06 22:41:32 UTC

time to check nsfw for some good memes

2019-03-06 22:42:08 UTC


2019-03-06 22:42:27 UTC

2019-03-06 22:42:34 UTC


2019-03-06 22:43:00 UTC

is zoophilia allowed in discord

2019-03-06 22:43:10 UTC


2019-03-06 22:43:16 UTC

only if its with monkeys <:TriHard:494994515665354772>

2019-03-06 22:43:22 UTC

and dogs

2019-03-06 22:43:22 UTC


2019-03-06 22:43:27 UTC

hi instagibz

2019-03-06 22:43:27 UTC


2019-03-06 22:43:31 UTC


2019-03-06 22:43:40 UTC

long time no see my homie

2019-03-06 22:43:42 UTC


2019-03-06 22:43:58 UTC

ye true, streams been ResidentSleeper so i kinda zoned out for a while

2019-03-06 22:44:22 UTC

same , started watchin dr disrespect now

2019-03-06 22:44:24 UTC


2019-03-06 22:44:38 UTC


2019-03-06 22:44:40 UTC


2019-03-06 22:44:45 UTC


2019-03-06 22:45:00 UTC

u still like drinking beers

2019-03-06 22:45:06 UTC

<@&517715049058664449> alright weekly nudes please

2019-03-06 22:45:09 UTC

Hell fucking yea

2019-03-06 22:45:14 UTC


2019-03-06 22:45:17 UTC


2019-03-06 22:45:25 UTC


2019-03-06 22:45:30 UTC

good shit homie hehehehe

2019-03-06 22:45:31 UTC


2019-03-06 22:45:37 UTC

Been quite a while since i was in voice fucked up good shit its nearly friday <:TriHard:494994515665354772>

2019-03-06 22:45:47 UTC

friday <:PogU:532613839712419880>

2019-03-06 22:46:36 UTC

fuck got exam on saturday

2019-03-06 22:46:40 UTC

***N W O R D***