Message from @Windleaf

Discord ID: 682525327930556436

2020-02-27 09:50:26 UTC  

you would gain infinite mass ~~and occupy the entire universe at the same time~~ actually idk that part for sure

2020-02-27 09:50:31 UTC  

squared speed of light is what, 200% speed of light or am i retarded

2020-02-27 09:50:33 UTC  


2020-02-27 09:50:34 UTC  

It's value not a phenomenon?

2020-02-27 09:50:41 UTC  

In the equation

2020-02-27 09:50:42 UTC  

well as far as im aware the current theory, colloqially used of course is that you cant move mass at the speed of light

2020-02-27 09:50:51 UTC Simply refer to this

2020-02-27 09:50:58 UTC  

maybe you can do 110%

2020-02-27 09:51:03 UTC  

The speed of light appears in equations even if you don't know c

2020-02-27 09:51:03 UTC  

thats pretty cool yk

2020-02-27 09:51:05 UTC  

before it becomes squared speed of light

2020-02-27 09:51:10 UTC  

and not have mass turn into energy

2020-02-27 09:51:13 UTC  

that you just go a certain speed and its like... you become god

2020-02-27 09:51:41 UTC  

square root isnt a slat multiplier, sqrt of light would not be 200% it would be like 48910598123745901723904%

2020-02-27 09:51:43 UTC  

C isthe speed of propagation of electromagnetic interaction, information etc

2020-02-27 09:51:46 UTC  

idk what the speed of light is

2020-02-27 09:51:52 UTC  

holy jessus

2020-02-27 09:51:54 UTC  

the only thing that seems to go faster than light is tachyons which appear to go backwards in time or some shit, but idk if we've even observed a tachyon or if its just theoretical

2020-02-27 09:51:55 UTC  


2020-02-27 09:51:58 UTC  


2020-02-27 09:51:59 UTC  


2020-02-27 09:52:03 UTC  


2020-02-27 09:52:16 UTC  

298k-ish km/s

2020-02-27 09:52:17 UTC  


2020-02-27 09:52:28 UTC  

There's a hypothesis there's only one electron in total, it just moved in all directions at the same time

2020-02-27 09:52:34 UTC  

yeah the sqre root of the speed of light should be the speed of light % greater if im not being dumb

2020-02-27 09:52:39 UTC  

In a vacuum, that is

2020-02-27 09:52:55 UTC  

Oh actually 299k

2020-02-27 09:52:56 UTC  

298k km/s

2020-02-27 09:52:57 UTC  

so 298,000 km/s

2020-02-27 09:53:10 UTC  

Megameters per second

2020-02-27 09:53:12 UTC  

so sqrt c would be 298,000% faster if im not retarded

2020-02-27 09:53:38 UTC  

299 792.458 km/s

2020-02-27 09:53:45 UTC  

In a vacuum

2020-02-27 09:53:55 UTC  

specifics dont matter much in what were dealing with but yes

2020-02-27 09:54:02 UTC  

how many km/h is that

2020-02-27 09:54:12 UTC  

A fuckton

2020-02-27 09:54:12 UTC  

i know math i can answer that

2020-02-27 09:54:19 UTC

2020-02-27 09:54:28 UTC  

fun fact, the gps in your phone is accurate to within a few dozen yards because satellites in orbit adjust for relativistic time dilation that slows down their clocks, without it your gps would only be accurate to with in like a few hundred yards