Message from @Day Wither

Discord ID: 682525919478415419

2020-02-27 09:51:55 UTC  


2020-02-27 09:51:58 UTC  


2020-02-27 09:51:59 UTC  


2020-02-27 09:52:03 UTC  


2020-02-27 09:52:16 UTC  

298k-ish km/s

2020-02-27 09:52:17 UTC  


2020-02-27 09:52:28 UTC  

There's a hypothesis there's only one electron in total, it just moved in all directions at the same time

2020-02-27 09:52:34 UTC  

yeah the sqre root of the speed of light should be the speed of light % greater if im not being dumb

2020-02-27 09:52:39 UTC  

In a vacuum, that is

2020-02-27 09:52:55 UTC  

Oh actually 299k

2020-02-27 09:52:56 UTC  

298k km/s

2020-02-27 09:52:57 UTC  

so 298,000 km/s

2020-02-27 09:53:10 UTC  

Megameters per second

2020-02-27 09:53:12 UTC  

so sqrt c would be 298,000% faster if im not retarded

2020-02-27 09:53:38 UTC  

299 792.458 km/s

2020-02-27 09:53:45 UTC  

In a vacuum

2020-02-27 09:53:55 UTC  

specifics dont matter much in what were dealing with but yes

2020-02-27 09:54:02 UTC  

how many km/h is that

2020-02-27 09:54:12 UTC  

A fuckton

2020-02-27 09:54:12 UTC  

i know math i can answer that

2020-02-27 09:54:19 UTC

2020-02-27 09:54:28 UTC  

fun fact, the gps in your phone is accurate to within a few dozen yards because satellites in orbit adjust for relativistic time dilation that slows down their clocks, without it your gps would only be accurate to with in like a few hundred yards

2020-02-27 09:54:32 UTC  

Yes sir gamma

2020-02-27 09:54:37 UTC  

Good lad

2020-02-27 09:54:50 UTC  

if velocity is greater than speed of light, you get fucked here

2020-02-27 09:55:06 UTC  

> dozen
bitch my phone knows what room in in

2020-02-27 09:55:15 UTC  

you get what i mean tho

2020-02-27 09:55:33 UTC  

the accuracy would be waaaaaay off without compensating for relativity

2020-02-27 09:55:36 UTC  

Just over 1 billion km/h

2020-02-27 09:55:36 UTC  

it suggests opening youtube in my bedroom but 20 feet away it suggests opening my toilet game when im taking a shit

2020-02-27 09:55:49 UTC  


2020-02-27 09:55:59 UTC  

we live in a brave new world sayemi

2020-02-27 09:55:59 UTC  

our gps is fucking insanely accurate

2020-02-27 09:56:09 UTC  

orwell spinning in his grave

2020-02-27 09:56:17 UTC  

facebook knows when i take a shit and my phone knows what i do when i shit

2020-02-27 09:56:23 UTC  

he thought we would have big screens on our walls, nope, its in our hands

2020-02-27 09:56:51 UTC  

it surprises me how accurate my phone is at predicting what i want to do in new places

2020-02-27 09:56:55 UTC  

i hope no one ever touches your phone sayemi

2020-02-27 09:56:58 UTC  

they might get pink eye

2020-02-27 09:57:03 UTC  

when i go to a hotel it suggests youtube cuz thats what i do when im at a hotel