Message from @Divinity

Discord ID: 682594479727050891

2020-02-27 14:22:35 UTC  

Don't listen to this Gypsy named Numb, he will try to trick you with twisted verses

2020-02-27 14:22:41 UTC  

<:hypersmugon:544638648721604608> <:GetDownOnTheBarn:590619824640753697>

2020-02-27 14:22:51 UTC  

Numb is a Jew. Not a gypsy.

2020-02-27 14:23:03 UTC  

Their all Goblins @Divinity

2020-02-27 14:23:16 UTC  

>Post epstein meme
>Banned for "no minors"

2020-02-27 14:23:25 UTC  

Discord confuses me

2020-02-27 14:23:40 UTC  

No it won't retards, we'll likely eventually repatriate immigrants to their countries of origin because we'll get tired of their shit, they'll bring our western culture to their backward countries and they'll become westernized, similar to how japan and Korea slowly are

2020-02-27 14:24:15 UTC  

@numbSKULLery_8f4812 Does your parents know you have Autism?

2020-02-27 14:24:19 UTC  


2020-02-27 14:24:36 UTC  

@KyonJ do you only have 1 parent?

2020-02-27 14:24:42 UTC  

I'm guessing no

2020-02-27 14:24:53 UTC  

Probably polygamy relationship

2020-02-27 14:24:56 UTC  

@Datimperialboi69 Lol I miss that show. i'm calling in sick today and watching all eps of it

2020-02-27 14:25:11 UTC  


2020-02-27 14:25:16 UTC  


2020-02-27 14:25:49 UTC  

@KyonJ you would orgasm over salt, because you are the keeper of the salt

2020-02-27 14:26:11 UTC  

Why don't you share and not hog it all?

2020-02-27 14:26:19 UTC  

I am the Lord of Salt Extraction yes

2020-02-27 14:26:26 UTC  


2020-02-27 14:26:35 UTC  

No you just sit upon your piles of salt

2020-02-27 14:26:45 UTC  

Wait for people to start turning into pillars of salt.

2020-02-27 14:26:58 UTC  


2020-02-27 14:27:00 UTC  

*spontanious combustion*

2020-02-27 14:27:27 UTC  

When a human corpse is cremated, there's only ash, bone fragments, and salt

2020-02-27 14:27:28 UTC  

I want some sushi all of a sudden

2020-02-27 14:27:52 UTC  

Enjoy the parasites

2020-02-27 14:29:07 UTC  

Seems Im already speaking to one

2020-02-27 14:29:12 UTC  


2020-02-27 14:29:35 UTC  

Hey. Y'all are all parasites to my big beautiful earth.

2020-02-27 14:29:44 UTC  


2020-02-27 14:29:49 UTC  

you realize that sushi kills the parasites right

2020-02-27 14:30:03 UTC  

you mean the japanese?

2020-02-27 14:30:04 UTC  

do you not know how sushi is prepared and still cast judgement on it?

2020-02-27 14:30:05 UTC  


2020-02-27 14:30:10 UTC  

they flash freeze the fish

2020-02-27 14:30:17 UTC  

at a low enough temperature to kill any parasite

2020-02-27 14:30:52 UTC  

The same ice beam used to kill Metroids

2020-02-27 14:30:58 UTC  

Any known parasites

2020-02-27 14:31:07 UTC  


2020-02-27 14:31:50 UTC  

So. Who wants to give me a crusade. Ill stop the kung flu if you do.

2020-02-27 14:32:03 UTC  

@numbSKULLery_8f4812 idk ehat that big word means