Message from @RooHappeh

Discord ID: 682979516360163414

2020-02-28 15:48:20 UTC  

could be worse

2020-02-28 15:48:31 UTC  

could be the scene where meowth sucks a miltanks titty and moans

2020-02-28 15:49:00 UTC <:disgusteng:595338918044500041>

2020-02-28 15:49:49 UTC  

i'm not surprised styx dabbled in music

2020-02-28 15:49:55 UTC  

and i'm not surprised its mixed like fucking shit

2020-02-28 15:51:10 UTC  

also not surprised he attempts ambient but then just throws it out of the window at the end

2020-02-28 15:51:56 UTC

2020-02-28 15:53:40 UTC  

Labour should be swapped with tories

2020-02-28 15:53:51 UTC  

And sent more into authoritarian left zone

2020-02-28 15:53:54 UTC  

labour in its current form shouldnt exist

2020-02-28 15:54:07 UTC  

Cause no way in hell

2020-02-28 15:54:13 UTC  

They are so close to center

2020-02-28 15:54:15 UTC  


2020-02-28 15:54:42 UTC  

also thats just, not very nice to look at

2020-02-28 15:54:44 UTC  

to put it bluntly

2020-02-28 15:55:51 UTC  

Also I don't get why all of those tests etc

2020-02-28 15:56:12 UTC  

Put racism or ethnocentrism as right policy

2020-02-28 15:56:29 UTC  

Find me more racist countries than communist ones

2020-02-28 15:56:36 UTC  

either they are misinformed, or inherently biased

2020-02-28 15:56:45 UTC  

Tbh shit like this

2020-02-28 15:56:54 UTC  

Should have 3d axis lmao

2020-02-28 15:57:15 UTC

2020-02-28 15:57:31 UTC  

Same as

2020-02-28 15:57:33 UTC  


2020-02-28 15:57:37 UTC  

Was ultranationalist

2020-02-28 15:57:41 UTC

2020-02-28 15:58:18 UTC  

JoJo part 4 was weird

2020-02-28 15:58:36 UTC  

the far lefts obsession with identity politics has made them inherently racist tbh

2020-02-28 15:59:01 UTC  

I mean yes, if you see all through identity lenses

2020-02-28 15:59:10 UTC  

You automatically have to be racist etc

2020-02-28 15:59:34 UTC  

They just unironically believe that it only depends on who you discriminate against

2020-02-28 15:59:40 UTC  


2020-02-28 15:59:58 UTC  

its only racism if its against people who are at the bottom of the "power structure"

2020-02-28 16:00:01 UTC  

Just hate everyone, problem solved <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2020-02-28 16:00:26 UTC  

apparently now it's more important to pin everything on Trump even though the virus is spreading at an alarming rate

2020-02-28 16:00:31 UTC  

fuck the democrats

2020-02-28 16:00:34 UTC  

Ye which is funny too, because apparently white working class people can be racist

2020-02-28 16:00:41 UTC  

Towards 100k+ earning blacks

2020-02-28 16:00:41 UTC  

hope they never get power ever again

2020-02-28 16:00:48 UTC  

didnt trump literally set aside 2.5bn to help efforts on coronavirus?