Message from @badtanman
Discord ID: 342369607354548235
Watch how fast
they delete these posts
well im glad to know Jared Taylor finally located his Testes
and named the Kike
Great news
Anglin did that you know
Anglin was calling Jared Taylor a Pussy for years
now forced him to man up
Taylor is great at what he does and I've gotten so many great talking points from him. Whether he names the Jew or not. He has admitted there's something there.
Please no bully
nothing worthy of bullying
My man
anyone who doesnt see value in people who are more entry level are dumb
JT has done more than damn near any of us ever will
nothing i hate more than a LARPer
how does it violate them
Trump is curbing legal immigration? Did I see that headline right? Favoring English wishers speaking immigrants
well shit
I try to pay attention when peopel talk about getting red-pilled and a fair number have named taylor as a gateway. Was a famous guy, trying to remember. Cantwell maybe? or maybe it was a guest on cantwell's show. Watched Taylor YTs, followed links in comments to JQ stuff.
metapolitics: as long as radical egalitarianism is the paradigm culture will always shift leftward. If we change the paradigm to race realism, culture will always shift towards white nationalism, inevitably. At worst, we go back to segregation/ jim crow
a lot of people probably had that exact same trajectory
mine is far more low brow. I was watching some shit on infowars, and a commenter said, "if you want to know the real story, check out "My Awakening""
it sounds lame, but infowars actually did a good job of prepping me for the JQ, as much of their facts are fairly true, they just change the names. A good explanation like "MA" causes all those facts to suddenly coalesce into a more believable narrative
i went from basic bitch anti-feminist game gate shit to MDE to the shoah
maybe episode 3 or 4
the one with donkey kong intro
I need to make up a redpill story that is cooler, mine sounds so lame
i grew up in the 90s in germany, thats all i needed
infowars is cooler than watching sargon like me lol
"I was reading evola while MDE played in the background, and suddenly my mind ascended to a higher plane"
Does that sound believable?
if reality clashes that much with what your shitlib parents AND public ed teach you get redpilled fast
seems like most who grew up in germany went the opposite direction, why was it different for you erz?
then again there are white shitlibs in germany and south africa
because im ahead of the bell curve
I'm not sure about GE, I get mixed messages from media. Usually they talk like all Germans are accepting, but then they'll have an article about how immigrant center burnings are up 500% since last year.