Message from @Louis

Discord ID: 679514487937826826

2020-02-19 02:24:47 UTC  

I’ve opened plenty of books

2020-02-19 02:24:48 UTC  

"Just cap it"

2020-02-19 02:24:58 UTC  

It should be free

2020-02-19 02:25:03 UTC  

Medicines and medical equipment prices are outrageously markedup by closed door insurance discussions

2020-02-19 02:25:13 UTC  

"Supply and demand means nothing"

2020-02-19 02:25:24 UTC  

It's not.

2020-02-19 02:25:32 UTC  

When it comes to basic human rights, yes, it means nothing

2020-02-19 02:25:34 UTC  

It just isn't.

2020-02-19 02:25:55 UTC  

The price of a thing is set by the consumer.
A thing costs what a customer is willing to pay.

2020-02-19 02:26:00 UTC  

What is marking it up is the government regulations.

2020-02-19 02:26:07 UTC  

Set a cap on the markup, you don't need everyone to have it ~~keeping the scarcity mostly~~ and making it affordable

2020-02-19 02:26:23 UTC  

You people

2020-02-19 02:26:40 UTC  

Make me angry

2020-02-19 02:26:44 UTC  

That is assuming there is a markup. Which there isn't.

2020-02-19 02:26:58 UTC  

And you sir are an idiot then

2020-02-19 02:27:11 UTC  

It's simply regulation, administrative costs and research costs.

2020-02-19 02:27:17 UTC  

It's simple economics.

2020-02-19 02:27:37 UTC  

There is more money to be made if you sell things for cheaper.

2020-02-19 02:27:39 UTC  

Hurr markup doesn't exist
~~How do you think companies make profit dipstick?~~

2020-02-19 02:27:46 UTC  

You idiot.

2020-02-19 02:27:58 UTC  

Lower cost = more profit.

2020-02-19 02:28:08 UTC  

Because more people buy.

2020-02-19 02:28:14 UTC  

That's a part of it

2020-02-19 02:28:20 UTC  

But too low and you lose money.

2020-02-19 02:28:29 UTC  

Too high and nobody buys it.

2020-02-19 02:28:32 UTC  

Finally some logic from you

2020-02-19 02:28:45 UTC  

Insulin is marked up 1000% because 2 companies control the supply, other than that healthcare isn't a right, you aren't entitled to a 10 thousand dollar piece of medical equipment

2020-02-19 02:28:49 UTC  

More like you have your head out of your ass.

2020-02-19 02:29:16 UTC  

Or you haven't done your research and taken classes on how companies operate hun

2020-02-19 02:29:20 UTC  

If you subsidize a thing, you will see the price of that thing rise to meet... what the customer is willing to pay *plus* what the government is willing to pay. All you’ve done is artificially add a consumer into the equation.

If you artificially set a price, you will see innovation and progress of the field cease as they are no longer able to charge what the customer is willing to pay. Investment in the industry ceases.

2020-02-19 02:29:34 UTC  


2020-02-19 02:29:39 UTC  

I will agree with Aldomuz that antitrust laws should be enforced to prevent arbitrary inflation rates from capitalizing on medical innovations. Mylan's acquisition and 400% price hike on EpiPens to capitalize on a market monopoly seems particularly egregious.

2020-02-19 02:29:52 UTC  

@livid_scrooge Says mr Guillotine over here

2020-02-19 02:29:59 UTC  

HR disagrees

2020-02-19 02:30:00 UTC  


2020-02-19 02:30:06 UTC  

@Mersenne but those are not the main drivers of cost at all.

2020-02-19 02:30:14 UTC  

Negro nothing is free

2020-02-19 02:30:40 UTC  

Man didn't discover fire by sitting on their asses

2020-02-19 02:30:43 UTC  

They worked for it

2020-02-19 02:30:45 UTC  

Agreed, they're not. And while that monopoly may have made headlines, the reality is that hospitals are often the largest culprits of market inflation.

2020-02-19 02:30:52 UTC  

@livid_scrooge shut up dotty