Message from @Miclo

Discord ID: 553088202404134932

2019-03-07 05:34:23 UTC

@Miclo Explains why australia is full of drunk retards

2019-03-07 05:34:23 UTC

its not 18

2019-03-07 05:34:29 UTC

@meg don't kick him for no reason

2019-03-07 05:34:30 UTC


2019-03-07 05:34:30 UTC

She kicking for no reason

2019-03-07 05:34:36 UTC

Y’all donkeys. Age of consent to have SEX you rtards

2019-03-07 05:34:41 UTC

@Ctn ftm can give birth assuming they don't fuck their ovaries too hard with HRT

2019-03-07 05:34:41 UTC

been abusing mod all day

2019-03-07 05:34:43 UTC

Still a minor

2019-03-07 05:34:45 UTC

he had posted 3 seizure gifs b4

2019-03-07 05:34:48 UTC

Cause they're still biologically wimmen

2019-03-07 05:34:49 UTC

got banned on my main for no reason

2019-03-07 05:34:50 UTC

@meg cant even make a fucking sandwhich

2019-03-07 05:34:53 UTC

2019-03-07 05:34:53 UTC

that's what i thought

2019-03-07 05:34:53 UTC

2019-03-07 05:34:58 UTC

wasnt sure

2019-03-07 05:35:00 UTC

2019-03-07 05:35:02 UTC


2019-03-07 05:35:03 UTC


2019-03-07 05:35:03 UTC

I posted 1 seiure gif and bulleck warned me

2019-03-07 05:35:10 UTC

meg is chatting shit

2019-03-07 05:35:11 UTC

what the fuck is a seuzure gifd

2019-03-07 05:35:19 UTC


2019-03-07 05:35:22 UTC

Welcome back Manta

2019-03-07 05:35:23 UTC


2019-03-07 05:35:24 UTC

u can get kicked for that

2019-03-07 05:35:25 UTC


2019-03-07 05:35:31 UTC

@Pink Fuck speak for your self. You sound like a yank

2019-03-07 05:35:35 UTC


2019-03-07 05:35:38 UTC


2019-03-07 05:35:38 UTC

GG @ikarus1192, you just advanced to level 1!

2019-03-07 05:35:42 UTC

21 viewing ice's main stream

2019-03-07 05:35:44 UTC

?delmod @meg

2019-03-07 05:35:44 UTC

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> meg#9501 is no longer a server moderator.

2019-03-07 05:35:45 UTC

hello? L