Message from @Telly_G 『⚡130』PC |

Discord ID: 680600944513122324

2020-02-22 02:21:28 UTC  

i would base that on this

2020-02-22 02:21:30 UTC  

@BabaBooey citation needed

2020-02-22 02:21:31 UTC  

what would have happened if they didn't do that though mersenne

2020-02-22 02:21:39 UTC  

Germany collapsed like what? 4 times in 100 years?

2020-02-22 02:21:43 UTC  

why cant I post on the facebook after I sabotaged the mind control tower

2020-02-22 02:21:48 UTC  

Baba: No lol, I wouldnt be a serf. I'd be a card carrying member of the revolution.

2 years into UCSA:

2020-02-22 02:21:48 UTC  

the government must be after me

2020-02-22 02:21:58 UTC  

is it possible that the consequences could have been greater if they did not enforce any grain procurement policies?

2020-02-22 02:22:15 UTC  

@BabaBooey Yeah, the Law of Spikelet's disagrees.

2020-02-22 02:22:18 UTC  

they had to get food from the places that produced it to the places that didn't somehow

2020-02-22 02:23:00 UTC  

@Death in June you are as bad as baba.

2020-02-22 02:23:02 UTC  

@Son of Rome Germans are the least accomplished nationality in europe

2020-02-22 02:23:12 UTC  

No, because at that point the damage had already been done. Historically, that piece of USSR legislation was based on the premise that anyone sifting for spare grain that wasn't harvested was attempting to subvert the Soviet Union's sense of nationality.

2020-02-22 02:23:41 UTC  

Ignore your country burning to the ground bro, germans are soooooooooo cucked!

2020-02-22 02:24:09 UTC  

The idea that searching for spare grain would have damaged the USSR's recovery efforts directly implies that the govt was planning on harvesting those spare pieces of grain. It was left to rot.

2020-02-22 02:24:43 UTC  

I dont think he's gonna respond @Mersenne

2020-02-22 02:24:46 UTC  

@Death in June
```Information about the Famine was a state secret in the USSR until the end of 1987.```
And why exactly is THIS? If the Russian government hadn't done any wrong, why did it take them until 1987 to reveal it?

2020-02-22 02:25:02 UTC  

Baba's not going to respond, because he can only shill for the USSR with shit-tier memes.

2020-02-22 02:25:07 UTC  

A spacial map of the ukranian famine of 1932-33 by harvard. There's a lot of information and generally it helps debunk a lot of myths about the holodomor. the map shows, among other things, that there is no correlation between ethnicity and famine (some of the hardest hit areas had the largest Russian minority), raw procurement per capita was lower in areas with famine (although plan fulfillment was higher because the plan targets were lowered), and more collectivization was linked to lower famine rates

2020-02-22 02:25:14 UTC  

<:powerful:595334910764515338> <:hypersmugon:544638648721604608>

2020-02-22 02:25:48 UTC  

@BabaBooey Who was it created by?

2020-02-22 02:26:06 UTC  

> more collectivization was linked to lower famine rates

2020-02-22 02:26:08 UTC  

@Mersenne i don't think that was the intention of the law

2020-02-22 02:26:38 UTC  
2020-02-22 02:27:18 UTC  

A document ordering to increase food production in an area that voluntarily promised extra but did not even reach the original quota.

A document showing the quota was lowered when it could not be reached on the condition that the new lower quota was mandatory

A document showing that the information the CC had was not lining up with the claims being made that were reasons to reduce quotas

A document from a regional committee showing that grain was stored in unfavourable conditions
full sized document

A document showing there was insufficient grain production, and the CC sent representatives to check the situation as a result. Also shows that requests to lower quotas were denied (probably due to already low output of grain)

A document showing regions had failed to implement decisions of the CC, and that there was a question of replacing leadership in these areas in order to increase grain production
full sized document

A document showing the CC lightened up quotas again but wanted to recieving 100% of the set amount, or they would need to take harsh action

2020-02-22 02:27:32 UTC  

"Effectively a law of specks, where even 3 specks of food in a starving person's pocket during the Soviet famine of 1932-1933 qualified them as a thief of state-owned food in the government's view"

2020-02-22 02:27:34 UTC  

yeah the article even says that the intention of the law was to prosecute thieves

2020-02-22 02:27:50 UTC  


2020-02-22 02:27:54 UTC  

@BabaBooey How do we know those are the exact translations?

2020-02-22 02:27:54 UTC  


2020-02-22 02:28:05 UTC  

ask and you shall receive

2020-02-22 02:28:13 UTC  

I didnt ask for shit negroid

2020-02-22 02:28:14 UTC  

citations given

2020-02-22 02:28:23 UTC  

@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck probably because they didn't want it to stain their reputation

2020-02-22 02:28:23 UTC  

@Son of Rome stfu mutt

2020-02-22 02:28:43 UTC  

@BabaBooey Baba, you literally live on the brownest coast of the US, stfu

2020-02-22 02:28:57 UTC  

(and that's brown on multiple levels)

2020-02-22 02:28:57 UTC  

when you define 'theif' as 'peasant starving after you stole their grain'