Message from @Kanye

Discord ID: 553262983506296832

2019-03-07 17:06:07 UTC

why do I have 9 pings

2019-03-07 17:06:14 UTC

yeah they ping every1

2019-03-07 17:06:27 UTC


2019-03-07 17:06:35 UTC


2019-03-07 17:06:39 UTC

ching chong xd

2019-03-07 17:06:44 UTC


2019-03-07 17:06:48 UTC

i’m sure there’s asians here

Rip I heard bout Asian ppl

2019-03-07 17:07:12 UTC


2019-03-07 17:07:42 UTC


2019-03-07 17:08:33 UTC

doing a nitro giveaway later

2019-03-07 17:08:49 UTC


2019-03-07 17:09:07 UTC


2019-03-07 17:09:14 UTC

why you got a bunch of US dollars if u an EU baby

2019-03-07 17:09:17 UTC


2019-03-07 17:09:23 UTC

i work for americans

2019-03-07 17:09:28 UTC


2019-03-07 17:09:34 UTC

i have to exchange

2019-03-07 17:09:49 UTC

wanna see euros?

2019-03-07 17:09:56 UTC

2019-03-07 17:09:57 UTC


2019-03-07 17:10:11 UTC

lmao nigga i've seen that photo like 3 times <:PepeLaugh:501470438304776218>

2019-03-07 17:10:32 UTC


2019-03-07 17:10:36 UTC

have i showed u guys my rolex

2019-03-07 17:10:51 UTC


2019-03-07 17:10:58 UTC


2019-03-07 17:11:08 UTC

he has a watch

2019-03-07 17:11:14 UTC

That's a big arm!

2019-03-07 17:11:20 UTC

thicc arm

2019-03-07 17:11:24 UTC


2019-03-07 17:11:25 UTC


2019-03-07 17:11:35 UTC


2019-03-07 17:12:16 UTC


2019-03-07 17:12:17 UTC

GG @Kanye, you just advanced to level 21!

2019-03-07 17:12:22 UTC

ready for the fist

2019-03-07 17:12:32 UTC

fist up your ass

2019-03-07 17:12:40 UTC

watch included

2019-03-07 17:12:41 UTC

@Droidy lmao