Message from @Samaritan™

Discord ID: 683522064455434419

2020-03-01 03:45:09 UTC  

Is that a yes tradwife?

2020-03-01 03:45:46 UTC  

@ManAnimal I'm not so much as making an argument as complaining about being held to an impossible standard, lol

2020-03-01 03:46:06 UTC  

ah, i hear you

2020-03-01 03:46:17 UTC  

been there... SO many times

2020-03-01 03:46:42 UTC  

• American psychoeugenics and neoeugenics; The invasion of American cities and disintegration of white communities enabled by the 1964 Civil rights act (Kennedy), "Affirmative action" executive order 11246 and hart-celler act (1965-1967)(LBJ), has resulted in mass civil conflict and racial unrest in the United States. These systems of systematic societal oppression and 2nd party applied eugenics have enabled the mass power exchange between men/women and white/minority populations where, under a meritocractic system, such power exchange would not have occurred. This has proceeded in the(likely planned) decline of white population growth as, specifically, white men, and, secondly(and far less significantly) white women, are hampered in self determination- manifest destiny- and prevented from achieving significant societal status. The decline of white birthrates has resulted as a cost proceeding from a lesser- but not insignificant- trend of interracial hypergamy, as fallout of affirmative action and the mass promotion of minority populations- economically and socially- through blatant discrimination by both employers and scholastic institutions; as well as a forced government regulated "acceptance" of minority populations in previously white only communities. These factors combined with the widespread societal acceptance of fetacide- achieved through the gynosupremacist rowvswade legislation of 1973- have resulted in mass depopulation-or stagnation- of multiple American ethnicities, as well as an underlying tension bordering on racialized/gendered warfare. This psychological and eugenic(often called dysgenic) warfare waged against the American populace has resulted in the decline of American society, has caused mass violence and, potentially, will cause Civil War. (likely that- much like the previous example of eugenic fallout in China- American mass killings are, largely, caused by this phenomenon)

2020-03-01 03:47:09 UTC  

Its really annoying because the bar doesn't stop raising

2020-03-01 03:48:02 UTC  

@Samaritan™, frankly it's a BIG reason that neither the center nor the right can communicate with the Left. They don't understand that if one does NOT speak with emphasis, if one does NOT get angry, if one just IGNORES a challenge... they LOSE

2020-03-01 03:48:55 UTC  

each applies his own standard as if it's a universal when in reality, the rules of the otherside are inverted

2020-03-01 03:50:00 UTC  

@Cryrosphere It's a yes metal dude

2020-03-01 03:50:10 UTC  

Sorta looks like me

2020-03-01 03:50:13 UTC  

Depends on what you are trying to archive by speaking to them

2020-03-01 03:50:42 UTC  

it used to be, when we were forced to interact in person, the intellectuals had to concede and learn to negotiate with both the emotional left and the physical right

2020-03-01 03:50:42 UTC  

Muh civil war

2020-03-01 03:51:08 UTC  

That's still true to some degree

2020-03-01 03:51:12 UTC  

**Just not on the internet**

2020-03-01 03:51:20 UTC  

Which has run off into the real world

2020-03-01 03:51:51 UTC  

the rules are inverted in that if you are in a debate hall of rational authorites, if a person is emotional, you turn your back on them

2020-03-01 03:52:18 UTC  

BUT if you turn your back on an emotional lefty in a street brawl, you're libel to get a knife in your back

2020-03-01 03:52:27 UTC  

those rules DO NOT apply

2020-03-01 03:52:34 UTC  

Its like how Warski and Francesca were polite in the real world and than she went and stabbed him in the back right after, bad example but this is all I've got lol

2020-03-01 03:52:39 UTC  

That has to do with setting

2020-03-01 03:52:43 UTC  

you don't look like the calm adult; you look like the coward

2020-03-01 03:52:47 UTC  

they win

2020-03-01 03:52:49 UTC  

you lose

2020-03-01 03:52:57 UTC  

not the other way around

2020-03-01 03:53:05 UTC  

The problem with twitter is that they block anyone outside of their echo chamber so they aren't appealing to the reasonable audience like a debate

2020-03-01 03:53:08 UTC  

and the POINT is to win their followers to YOUR side

2020-03-01 03:53:21 UTC  

not cow-tow to people that ALREADY agree with you

2020-03-01 03:53:52 UTC  

Before us, lies Germany.
Within us, Germany is stirring.
Behind us, Germany is following.

2020-03-01 03:53:53 UTC  

this is why Sargon fails miserably with the left

2020-03-01 03:54:14 UTC  

he doesn't know that there is a time to act like an english gentleman and a time to counter attack

2020-03-01 03:54:21 UTC  

Yes but then there is crush kill and destroy which seems like the most satisfying strategy after running into toxic twitter leftits

2020-03-01 03:55:08 UTC  

This is why I like the anti-sjw sphere when it was youthful it was all about changing their minds and appealing to the reasonable audience

2020-03-01 03:55:15 UTC  

bully 2

2020-03-01 03:55:17 UTC  

im calling it

2020-03-01 03:55:19 UTC  

of course there is; the point of their exchange is NOT to communicate in the same manner as the center or the right

2020-03-01 03:55:20 UTC  

Now there are partisan audiences

2020-03-01 03:55:41 UTC  

on the LEft, there are mouthpieces and there are drones

2020-03-01 03:56:04 UTC

2020-03-01 03:56:06 UTC  

when arguing the mouthpiece, you make them LOSE RESPECT in terms of their drones