Message from @ManAnimal

Discord ID: 683525522076205058

2020-03-01 03:58:03 UTC  

The audience are as you say but the talking heads aren't

2020-03-01 03:58:39 UTC  
2020-03-01 03:58:41 UTC  

they are still intellectuals, they just act as the intellectuals for a specific sect of people that don't bother or don't excel at intellectual sparring

2020-03-01 03:59:38 UTC  

that's who those such as bababooey and richard specer are

2020-03-01 04:00:06 UTC  

in terms of the groups they speak for, they are no different than the elite they despise

2020-03-01 04:00:11 UTC  

Richard Spencers meltdown was grade A

2020-03-01 04:00:39 UTC  

but their yield very little respect within those groups whom they serve as an intellectual interface with for the center

2020-03-01 04:01:02 UTC  

Okay we're getting a bit semantical

2020-03-01 04:01:12 UTC  

Bababooey and Specer are the Vladmir Lenin's to each of those respective groups Stalin

2020-03-01 04:01:35 UTC  

you think Spencer 'melted down'? lol

2020-03-01 04:01:44 UTC  

i can see how you'd think that

2020-03-01 04:03:35 UTC  

IRL, outside of a nanny state, in which boys can be boys... if the intellectual loses, they are either humiliated and heckled or beaten to a pulp

2020-03-01 04:04:18 UTC  

but in this enviornment, the arsenal of the intellectual still works while the arsenals of the emotional left and physical right are rendered impotent

2020-03-01 04:04:55 UTC  

sargon would have gotten pummeled

2020-03-01 04:05:36 UTC  

not by spencer, by those spencer represents

2020-03-01 04:05:45 UTC  

Real larping hours

2020-03-01 04:06:08 UTC  

unless you have something intelligent to add

2020-03-01 04:06:11 UTC  

go away

2020-03-01 04:06:15 UTC  

There hasn't been a significant centre movement since 2016

2020-03-01 04:06:22 UTC  

Greetings fellow intellectuals

2020-03-01 04:06:23 UTC  


2020-03-01 04:06:28 UTC  

try 2001

2020-03-01 04:06:35 UTC  

How do you do sir

2020-03-01 04:06:47 UTC  


2020-03-01 04:07:00 UTC  


2020-03-01 04:09:25 UTC  

to be fair, when i say 'center' in this context, i am referring to those that excel at intellectual persuasion and are far less apt at either emotional persuasion or physical persuasion

2020-03-01 04:09:54 UTC  

So I was watching a video on Andre the Giant and came across this

2020-03-01 04:10:43 UTC  

Nice suits

2020-03-01 04:10:54 UTC  

Trump is like a big kid

2020-03-01 04:11:17 UTC  

We are having two conversation and mine is kind of with myself in my head because I'm being distracted but I'm about to dump a paragraph on that so

2020-03-01 04:11:28 UTC  


2020-03-01 04:11:41 UTC  


2020-03-01 04:14:14 UTC  

The anti-feminists and than anti-sjw movement was majority centre left but it was also a large union of a lot of other political ideologies who also hated them and with the 2016 election that dissolved and most people jumped ship and joined Trump while most of the remainder (people too attached to the left to let it go) became sjws since there was no longer a centre left ground for them to go to. The problem with all of this is that the unaffiliated audience is still there, and a large moderate left audience is still there and a new and upcoming one due to age, the people you want to win over in debate and the people we used to win over in debates massively but now there is no entry point if you aren't already partisan to one side

2020-03-01 04:15:11 UTC  

It's about ethics in games journalism

2020-03-01 04:15:59 UTC  

yeah, all true. However, there are been a large disenfranchised group whom feels neither the right nor the left has their best interests at heart since GWB

2020-03-01 04:16:40 UTC  

only difference was back then, it was those on the right that put distance between themselves and the christan-right

2020-03-01 04:16:54 UTC  

then the pendulum swung the other way with the left

2020-03-01 04:17:43 UTC  

feminists and SJW's are nothing more than useful idiots to the old KGB.

2020-03-01 04:17:53 UTC  

but the same themes were present; being ridiculed for even expressing questions regarding 9/11, being shouted down as a lunatic by the christian right

2020-03-01 04:18:10 UTC  

Imagine thinking people were convinced by epic debate me bro shit

2020-03-01 04:18:15 UTC  

the complete inability of the christian right to acknowledge the reality the rest of the world live in